
Les ennemis du temps by Julie Cross

yazzy101's review against another edition

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Tempest!!! well! what can I say, I didn't know what to expect from this book because the blurb, like most books, does give you a full picture of the book. and I was glad because, even though the blurb is great, it doesn't tell you how amazing this story is.

Contains spoilers (no big ones anyway)

Jackson was normal, still is kinda, he has a girlfriend he's in love with, Holly, a Best friend he can trust, Adam, until the day he turns 18 when during one boring french class, dreaming to somewhere else to be, he magically appears there. but before he can figure out what just happened he's right back in the class room, like it never happened. it takes him a while, and Adam, to figure out he's not crazy only a time-traveler. So far his record is about two day into the past, i know thats not much but hey what can you do, that is until the day he see his girlfriend, Holly, shot that he freaks and, on impulse, jumps two years into the past, before they had even meet, before he and Adam had meet. With no-one to turn to what can you do? not only is it freaky enough being in the past but he soon finds out he's trapped in the past and doesn't know how to save the girl he hasn't meet yet from being shot by two strange men who seem to have it out for him. With time not on his side he must find Adam and get a solution to an seemingly endless problem that becomes bigger with every day that passes. Find Holly and make sure she's safe from unknown men, and figure out the secret behind his life, and genes.

I really liked this book because the story didn't seem to end where expected. and left you not only wanting more but also who to trust.
I did start to fall of the relationship created, holly and Jackson, but thought there was more emotion behind it, but it was fine (Considering it was from a guys point of view) i did like the test and experiment and even thought it got a little bit unrealistic with the whole CIA and EOTs stuff she used it well and made it so it wasn't realistic or logical any other way. And the main reason i bought this book was because of the cover. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, i LOVED it. and the only reason this book didn't get the full five was because of the ending. No it not a bad ending, and in his position i would have done the same thing, but it was sad and i wished there was another way.

harleyrae's review against another edition

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honestly I really found nothing wrong with the book, it just wasn't my style. I've started to notice me and time travel books just don't always get along.
I felt thought at time it was a little confusing with him jumping back and forth through time, at one point I was in one time period and the next page i'm in a new time period. Just kinda got to me after awhile.
So yea not much wrong I felt, just wasn't my kind of book.

heather4994's review against another edition

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This is one of those stories that you have to let sink in. Almost every time travel novel I've read has been like that. Especially when they go back and forth at different times. Not just one jump, but several. It does get confusing, the how and the when and what it all means and it gets tiring like I was the one doing the jumping. So after I finished Tempest, I set it aside for a few days. Now, I'm ready to review it.

First, I really didn't get a chance to connect to Holly, the girlfriend. I just didn't have enough time with her to really feel a connection. I felt like Jackson was just going through the motions with her to get what he wanted. Not necessarily sex, but companionship. I think there was something real between them, I think she filled a need for him, but I'm not sure I can put a name on it.

I didn't really warm up to Jackson right away. I felt for him in his situation, but he didn't quite reach that place inside of me, not until much further in the book. Not until he needed to do something he hadn't done in the past and he did and God, was I tearing up trying not to cry. Once I do I'm done for. I can't seem to keep the grit out of my eyes. But that's when I hopped on the Jackson train. It was the most unselfish thing he'd done, and from then on he thought with his head.

He learns all kinds of crazy stuff about his family, things he never knew that really blow his mind. His dad isn't who he thought he was at all. People are trying to kill him or at the very least chase him and catch him. And this is all two years in the past where he's trying to keep Holly safe. It's a very fast paced novel and like I said all the time jumps and attempts to learn things about himself really keep you on your toes. The novel is 334 pages long, but could have been much longer. It was entertaining, but it didn't kill me at the end to close the last page despite the ending. There's closure of a sort, but I know we've only touched the surface. And Jackson with his best friend Adam have much to discover about his abilities and their effects on the world.

This novel begins with the characters in college so there is sex involved, probably a few swear words, not enough that I noticed. So use your best judgement. Definitely for the older YA reader. Also do not forget there is a lead in story, a prequel on Amazon called Tomorrow is Today. It's free on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble. So read those before the story! I'll definitely want to read the next in the series for several reasons, because of Emily, who you will find out about and to see what he does about Holly. I'm a big Jackson fan at the end here. He did something I could never do!

cjyu's review against another edition

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Well, this book came with a lot of hype, and I was hoping for some really nice twists and turns to live up to the hype... But it didn't. The best part was the ending of this book. (NOT because it ended, because it was the part that was the most well written and deep and sad.) I still feel like I KNOW NOTHING about how Jackson looks like: (Aside from the eyes) and really, the character development wasn't that strong. I was just so confused and can barely connect with the characters. Plot line was messy at points, and I got confused here and there about full jumps and half-jumps. Honestly, the writing was also OK, not unbearable, and it left a decent enough cliffhanger that will have me reading the next books. (Because I'm insane, and can never bear to know what happens next in a series, even if I hated that book. Unless I REALLY hated that book and it didn't live much of a cliffhanger.) but the balance of events was pretty good- not too much romance, not too much of everything else. Just the right amounts here and there. Although romance did seem to take up center stage quite a bit.

Tempest was a excellent original idea with an excellent twist on time traveling (cause you always hear time traveling has it's consequences. Unlike this time.) but it was delivered poorly. Hopefully, Julie Cross will do better next time. There's so much potential in Tempest- the idea itself and plot was pretty good, but messy in places, so if it was better delivered, I'm sure it would be a great book. However, I've heard this will become a movie, and by the sound of it, this will definitely make a better movie than book...

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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wow...this whole idea was kind of new to me. I'd read about some aspects and ideas in this book but not this slant. And it was fascinating to think about. I had to take Jackson's advice, and forget everything I knew about it.

But it was so hard to do that

Mostly, I enjoyed the story. Each new phase of Jackson, each new adventure. It was crazy fascinating but also odd. I think I may still need to process this one.

also, I believe in fate. and I don't think Jackson can dodge that :)

sarahbiggs's review against another edition

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If the ending was normal I would have given this book about a 4 star. I understand it is supposed to be a cliff-hanger for the next book, but I don't want to read the next book. It was a too intense cliff-hanger that didn't work. The ending ruined the rest of the book and the next one if she's forgotten, even if she does come back.

I'm sorry Julie Cross, I love your writing, but learn how to write an ending!

jennifermreads's review against another edition

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This was so not what I was expecting – it was a page-turner. I liked that the main character is a guy. The time travel bit was fantastic – and don’t think about the logistics too much or your head hurts! I became invested in Jackson and was rooting for him. Auxiliary characters: Adam the computer geek and Holly the spunky girlfriend … both fantastic and entertaining.

All-in-all a very good read and I’d race to get the 2nd installment. The only drawback: after beating into our brains that Jackson could jump back in time and not change events, the book ends with him jumping back in time and changing events (by not meeting Holly and, thus, not falling in love with her & she with him). It is possible, on a 2nd read, I will confirm that it is the half-jumps that mean Jackson cannot change time: when he has a home base and feels his body splitting when he jumps. But if he full-jumps and, thus, changes his home base, he can change event and thus the future. If I’m interpreting it correctly then he full-jumped at the end in order to protect Holly via preventing their first meeting. But if it is fate, can one missed meeting prevent them ever connecting?!?

nalani_maria's review against another edition

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Words cannot even express how much I enjoyed this book. I absolutely loved Jackson, who is the time traveling main character, and Holly, his girlfriend. I really think that this book can go far because there is really noting else like it. The premise of Tempest is so different from all the other things out there, like all of the vampire stories that are 'popular', that it was refreshing and new. I can't wait until the second book comes out, and see what happens next, especially after the semi-cliff hanger that I was left with. All in all, the cover was beautiful, the writing well done, and basis was amazing. A+ to Julie Cross!

brendaclay's review against another edition

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Jackson Meyer can travel through time. Only his best friend Adam knows about his recently developed talent, and they've been experimenting to test his limits. But when a stranger bursts into his dorm room and fatally shoots his girlfriend Holly, Jackson freaks out and finds himself two years in the past. Stuck in 2007, he starts with two objectives: find and protect Holly, and find Adam and enlist his help. But the more he learns about his abilities, his always-mysterious father, his family history, and what the CIA has to do with it all, he realizes he's falling down a deeper rabbit hole than he ever could have imagined. This book was more than I expected, too. Consider me hooked!

bungleboo's review against another edition

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First reviewed over at

First Line:~ My name is Jackson and I can travel through time.

Last Line:~ I have no regrets.

Favourite Quote:~ And I could see it, a clear picture in my mind: her knuckles white, fingers gripping around a rock, and then the instant relief of letting go. Free falling, feeling nothing but air, no weight. No pain.

WOW! What to say about this book!?! I was so torn about how I felt! I loved how the book started, it got right to the point about who our main guy Jackson, was and the fact that he could time-travel. And with this time-travel comes a relative fast-pace story that could leave some readers feeling confused. I was glad of the journal entries Jackson made as I was able to keep up with what year he was in and what date he was on. But for me there were still some unanswered questions about his time-travelling.

I think it's not until the end of the story that you actually appreciate this book! Cross is able to slowly build a world in the readers mind giving them just enough information to keep them reading to find out what happens next. As Jackson's past unravels I was reading faster and faster to see what he would find out next about himself and his father's secret life.

I loved Jackson as a character, I found him easy to relate to and easy to care for. As the story concentrates mostly on Jackson some of the secondary characters are not as well developed but I think this will come over the next book. I did like Adam, Jackson's friend and time-travelling theorist and Holly, Jackson's girlfriend was like able. I warmed more and more to Jackson's dad and I hope to read more about him.

Although the book is fast-paced because of the time travelling, sometimes I was wanting more to happen and boy did I get it with the last 90 pages or so. This is where the story really picked up and I can't believe how Cross left the story!!! Who is that little red head? Where did she come from? Who are the goodies and who are the baddies? What is going to happen? Will Jackson make the right choice? This last part of the story were some of the best page I've read and part of me wishes the whole book had me as gripped as much as those 90 pages did!

3.5 out of 5 stars because Cross knows how to build a story in a readers mind giving them enough to just keep them hanging on. And if you can get your mind around the time travelling this book is worth the read. I think this is a series that's only going to get better!!