
The Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale

alcalhou's review against another edition

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Read to get out of a reading slump. It was okay. Not my style of historical romance. And the chemistry was not fully fleshed out

jenna_800's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Tenía muchas ganas de que me gustase este libro, puesto que creo que a los lectores nos cuesta mucho darle oportunidades a libro y/o autores/as que no conocemos (al menos yo no la conocía). Sin embargo, me ha decepcionado bastante. 
La trama gira en torno a una chica cuya familia ha sido asesinada por una secta y va en busca de venganza hacia un antiguo héroe de su infancia, aunque después de dará cuenta que ya no es lo que era.
Lo único bueno del libro es el protagonista aunque al principio causa un poco de rechazo luego se hace de querer. A diferencia de varias novelas de romance, aquí el hombre no es este ser perfecto y sin fallos lo cual me sorprendió y gustó bastante.
Aquí nos encontramos con alguien que lo ha perdido todo y que a causa de un incidente se ha quedado sordo de un oído y con pérdidas de equilibrio lo cual lo incapacita totalmente para ser el caballero que solía ser, esto le causa una gran inseguridad y se aísla de todos y de todo. Al principio, al haber estado en soledad durante años y encontrarse con una mujer atractiva el protagonista se muestra bastante baboso, lo cual, se entiende pero a parte de eso al poco tiempo le dice que esta enamorada de ella cosa que para mí no tiene ningún sentido porque se acababan de conocer. Y luego tienen una primera vez más incómoda aún. Aunque sí obvias estas cosas del principio el personaje gustará más. 
Luego está la protagonista que no para de meterse con el protagonista por sus propias inseguridades, hasta tal punto que se vuelve casi tóxico e incluso se jacta de su discapacidad (wtf). No hace nada por su cuenta y es totalmente inútil durante toda la novela, hace un viaje de cientos de km para aprender a luchar y cuando ve el estado del héroe se rinde sin más ni siquiera intenta aprender lo básico para poder defenderse, se rinde MUY FACILMENTE. Él no para de intentar demostrarle su amor haciendo varias heroicidades y a ella le da igual, sinceramente ni siquiera se porque él estaba enamorado de ella.
Después esta la trama de la secta, pero casi no sabemos nada de ella ¿?. El libro le dedica un capítulo entero a como entrenar a un caballo, pero no sabemos tanto de la secta y de la subtrama del grupo de nobles que secuestran y torturan a mujeres lo cual es mucho mas interesante y que necesitaba mas páginas.
Lo más cringe del libro fue una escena en que lo hacen encima del caballo (WTFFF¿??) no se a quién se le ocurriría hacer eso en su vida pero me dió bastante asco la verdad.

ivancicamslck's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


scottishpixie26's review against another edition

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Just couldn't get into this story. It was just lacking something. I tried pushing through but I just could no do it.

Not to mention some grammar issues: missing quotation marks and double punctuation.

ivinklerkomaric's review against another edition

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Bookopoly 2021 - Last chance

Princ ponoći mi stoji na polici već dugo i planirala sam ga u nekom trenu pročitati i onda ga se riješiti (ili ga se samo riješiti). I krajem ožujka, kad sam bacala Bookopoly za travanj, dobila sam zadatak „Last chance“ – pročitati knjigu koju sam planirala maknuti s police, a kojoj ću ipak dati posljednju šansu i probati ju pročitati. I eto, pročitala sam ju i sad ću je se riješiti hahaha.
Knjiga je po žanru povijesni ljubić, i iako nisam ljubiteljica ljubića, mogu pročitati jedan do dva godišnje. Ono što me živcira kod ljubića su klišeji... on je prezgodan zavodnik, a ona nevin, nježan cvijetak. I taj povuci potegni, malo se ona njemu sviđa, pa se on njoj sviđa, ali ne u isto vrijeme. Pa onda on njoj pokaže sladostrasti seksa i ostatak knjige se praše ko zečevi. I uglavnom je to to što se tiče radnje.
Ali ovdje sam se baš iznenadila. Postoji i prava priča!!! I moram reći da sam čak i uživala u čitanju.
Priča prati Leigh Strachan kojoj je obitelj ubijena i ona, želeći osvetu, potraži S. T. Maitlanda, poznatog kao Princ ponoći, velikog razbojnika, da ju nauči mačevanju, jahanju, pucanju iz pištolja. Međutim, razočarana je, S.T. nije onakav kakvog ga priče opisuju. Nagluh, ima problem s ravnotežom, depresivan, živi u ruševnom dvorcu s vukom i žali za minulim vremenima. On joj ipak odlučuje pomoći i tu počinju peripetije. Kroz priču saznajemo njegovu prošlost, što mu se dogodilo te njenu prošlost, tko joj je ubio obitelj, a to je moram priznati nešto što nisam očekivala. Sve u svemu, nije loše osmišljeno.
Iako, naravno da ima iako... Glavnu junakinju sam često htjela zatući. Priča je većinom ispričana iz njegove perspektive i on mi se zaista svidio. A ona mi je bila jako naporna i iskreno, da sam on, nogirala bih ju da bi odletjela do Amerike. Najviše me živciraju takve neodlučne ženske. A još je i stalno bila bezobrazna i neugodna prema njemu. Naravno, kako u takvim ljubićima uvijek sve završi happy endom, i oni na kraju live happily ever after, smatram da ga nije zaslužila. Nadam se da neće netko tko čita ovo pomisliti da spojlam, ali doista, kako drugačije takva knjiga može završiti.
Sveukupno, jedan od boljih povijesnih ljubića koji sam pročitala, ali svejedno ne zaslužuje mi više od 3, eventualno 3 i pol zvjezdice.

gonturans's review against another edition

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laura kinsale COMMITS to her concepts and i respect the hell out of it. i especially loved leigh for not seeing s.t. (the initials are explained in the book; still awkward but understandable) and immediately wanting to fix him; she has her own trauma to work through

reviewers bitching about how mean leigh is at times glossed over the things that brought her to seeking s.t. out tbh. i liked that she was allowed to be cruel in her anger and grief.

includes: pet wolves, the marquis de sade, dressage, painting, revenge, cults, fire, and having sex in roman ruins by moonlight

cw for mentions of rape/attempted rape (the first time they have sex is... consensual? in a post-2005 book i think it would definitely be changed)

goodmd14's review against another edition

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I started this a while ago and havent really picked it up again.  

nbvanderhyden's review against another edition

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Y’all, “The Prince of Midnight,” let me tell you-

Well, here it is, my favorite LK. It is romantic and hilarious with a dour, strong Heroine, recluse Hero, and an epic plot that moves quickly. It fits into a trope I made up called “Trying to Get Back to Normal Life After Sharing an Epic Incident.” It’s a little wordy.

So, once upon a time, there was an infamous highway man, also our Hero, named S.T. Maitland. He has become MIA and Leigh, our Heroine, desperately needs S.T’s help. Her hometown has been taken over by a wacko religious zealot that is turning the community into a cult. She wants S.T. to help take her town back and revenge her families deaths. She finds S.T. reclusively hiding in the French Alps with a pet wolf in a total Heidi’s Grandfather Mood.

She tries to convince him to help her save the town, but once she realizes the reason S.T. has retired is because he suffers major vertigo and is deaf in one ear, she is basically like “Nevermind.” Lots of Plot happens, including the conclusion of overthrowing the zealot and that’s where my new trope comes into play. The end drags a little for me, but it’s still a wonderful adventure.

The Prince of Midnight is different to me than the other LK’s I’ve read because here, both the Hero and Heroine are a bit broken. While LK Heroine’s are strong in their way, Leigh hasn’t finished that journey yet. She has expereinced major traumas and is not finished working through them. There is lots of angst as these two try to find personal healing while helping the other heal as well. It can be very intense and touching and I really loved it.

This is definitely a on a re-read TBR for me and the LK I would most recommend during my #LauraKinsaleAppreciationWeek.

Alrighty, they have kissed, it felt like a spiritual awakening and I’ve told you about it!

nipomuki's review against another edition

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Seems I am into this author and this narrator. I like some action with my romance, and Kinsale delivers.
The lovers are complicated, wounded beings who hurt themselves and each other to a degree that does make parts of the story hard to read. I could imagine some readers disliking the heroine for being so hard and cold towards her hero. For me it all made a lot of sense, and I enjoyed how they overcame their huge differences and started to work on a real relationship by the end.
I loved the animals in the story and thought them well done.

thanys_thoughts's review against another edition

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Between a 4-4.5.

This was surprisingly not as problematic as most historical romances go. This is about S.T. (yes he goes by his initials, and no I won't tell you his name because it's so much more gratifying to read it in the book) and Leigh. Leigh is bent on revenge for her family and tracks down the famous highwayman the Prince of Midnight to train her and help her avenge her family. But she finds him not as he once was, half-deaf and suffering from vertigo he's not like the masked hero he once was. But he joins her on her quest, and finds love a long the way.

The writing style of this was really unique. S.T. was an interesting character, as was Leigh. Her PTSD of losing her whole family was portrayed really well. I wish I had seen more moments of them falling in love. It focuses a lot on the plot of her revenge and the romance seems to be side plot for half the book. But the last scene of them coming together was lovely.

I would definitely be interested in reading more of Laura Kinsale.