
Hometown Cowboy by Sara Richardson

smithrachaelynn's review

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I thought this story was cute and I loved Jessa’s relationship with Lance’s father. That added so much fun to the story. It wasn’t my favorite romance but definitely cute.

sasha2599's review against another edition

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Sadly, I was in bed with the flu for a few days, and this was just the perfect book for a time like that- when you want a cute, fluffy fun read to pass the time. Add in a hot cowboy and his brothers? I'll take it! One scene in particular is laugh out loud funny- Lance comes to Jessa's house when she is definitely NOT expecting guest, and hilarity ensues. There's undeniable chemistry between Jessa and Lance, and a great cast of supporting characters. Looks like we'll get to see Jessa's friends and Lance's brothers in future installments.

*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this title.*

aboutthatstory's review against another edition

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I had so much fun reading this and getting to know Jessa and Lance. It was just so entertaining and sweet. By the end, I was smiling big time!

A hot, stubborn cowboy plus a woman who is trying to avoid love? Those two combined made for such a great story. I loved getting to learn Jessa and Lance’s histories and watch them open up. I thought they had fun chemistry and I liked their flirting and banter. I loved the humor and Jessa’s attitude about love. They both have some issues they were working on and I liked the drama that those things brought to the story.

This was just fun to read and lose myself in, totally enjoyable. There was a great cast of characters. I liked Jessa’s relationship with her girlfriends and how sweet that was. The relationships between the women brought some laugher to the story and was really entertaining. I loved the male bonding with the brothers, I am such a sucker for that. They had a really interesting back story that seemed to very much shape who they are. It will be fun to see where the series goes and what adventures will happen. For the most part I felt this was a light read but there were some serious moments involved and emotions came into play, I like how it all blended together.

I really liked the overall story and details. Not overly in depth but it was really descriptive and had a great build. I thought the writing was really good. The first half seemed a bit drawn out to me but the second half had a great flow. Low heat. Nice drama. Awesome connection between the main characters. I was kind of back and forth between liking and loving it but the last 25% pushed me over to love!

Such a sweet love story about people finding love, healing, and truly connecting!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

creativelifeofliz's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. This book was really cute! I liked Jessa a lot and Lance grew on me once he learned to be an adult.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Hometown Cowboy is such a wonderful book, and I was BLOWN away by how much that I actually enjoyed this book here. It really REALLY shocked me. I don't even know why I haven't even checked out this author before. I blame picking this one up on my library, because it was on one of their feature shelves down their romance section, and boy I decided to just take a chance and grab it up since I have seen so many positive thoughts on this author.

Within the first two pages I was completely hooked on this story, and I couldn't put it down. I started it on my break at work....worked through half the book and finished the rest once I got home. So I read this book in less than a couple of hours, which really only happens if its a PAGE TURNER!! And boy this authors writing is super engaging for the reader.

The heroine is the local vet and trying to carry on her father's legacy and she is looking for love one day. She is just coming out of a bad relationship and not really looking for a relationship but she has the hots for this cowboy and yeah all of her plans to enjoy being single goes out the window pretty quickly. Our hero, is the oldest of the three brothers. He is pretty famous for carrying on his father's tradition of riding bulls and he is a natural at it. But now he mostly just trains his bulls for the job. But he wants one last ride at a competition. We see how at first these two try to avoid the attraction they feel for each other, but soon they realize why deny what they feel. We also have a heroine that has a close relationship to the heroe's father and does so much to bring these brothers back together when they were seperated in a sad way.

I truly adored both of these characters, their personalities just fit right. The heroine is just wonderful, kind and is very giving. Lance, our hero, can be a bit stubborn at times, but I love that Jessa can get through his tough skin and make him see reason. The romance that develops between these two is sexy yet has a sweet tone to it. I really enjoyed this author's writing style, and seeing these two fall for each other in the way that they do. I can hardly wait to try out the rest of the series and seeing more of the brothers.


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whiskeyinthejar's review against another edition

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I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Jessa was just dumped by text and for someone who has such an open heart, she sure has trouble finding someone to love her back.
Ever since Lance's mother left without looking back, he's been a love them for one night and leave them.
When Lance needs help watching his father, Jessa is there and he's starting to enjoy her at his home more than he should.
Jessa loves love, Lance wants to be a loner, and long held family secrets are bubbling under the surface as these two heat up under the Colorado sky.

She might have sworn off relationships, but technically she hadn't sworn off kissing.

I enjoyed how this one started off, we're introduced to the Cortez family of Lance, his younger brothers Lucas, Levi, and their father Luis. With Luis out following the rodeo circuit as a champion bull rider, their mother couldn't handle the stress of raising three boys alone and leaves. As the oldest, Lance feels it is his responsibility to take care of the family but Levi has serious anger issues with his father and ends up burning down a barn. The three boys decide Lucas will take the wrap as his record is squeaky clean but things go sideways when he gets charged as an adult and ends up going to jail. When he finally gets out, he leaves not wanting to deal with the small town always looking at him like he is a criminal, Levi can't stand the guilt and constantly travels on the rodeo circuit, which leaves Lance to run their ranch and work on becoming the best bull rider like his dad. I wish there had been more detail to Lance running the ranch and his bull riding career. They're mentioned but not really done anything with, we get a few glimpses of Lance practicing for World's, championship rodeo in Las Vegas, but I didn't understand how he ran the ranch year round and was such a top bull rider, when would he have time to travel to rodeos?

The Cortez family drama kind of overshadowed Jessa, she grew up spending the summers with her father and school year with her mother, she craved a big stable family. Her father just died and she is trying to take over his animal rescue, Lance's father Luis tries to help her out with it. Like Lance and his ranch and rodeo, there wasn't much to Jessa's animal rescue. We know she needs money to keep it running but other than carting a pig around, it was definitely pushed to the side of her life and the story. Her friendship with two other women, helped to flesh out her character more but they never seemed to have longer, in depth scenes together to endear them to me more than series baiting.

It's a gift when someone believes in you at a time no on else does. When you've lost some of the belief in yourself.

I thought the first half was just a lot of lust attraction making up Jessa and Lance's relationship. Jessa is supposedly on a break from wanting a relationship and Lance is supposed to have this hardened heart but the storyline of Jessa not wanting a relationship seems abandoned almost as soon as she says it. I'm not sure until the very end I felt any depth to Lance's feelings for Jessa. They are thrown together because of circumstance and they never evolved for me beyond “sexy legs” and “hot bod”.

This was an easy quick read, the outline for a deep emotional story was there but the depth and building blocks never showed up. The big ending had me disliking Jessa's character a bit as she acted fairly inconsiderately towards Lance and very blindly towards one of her friends, all because she “knew” she was right; family dynamics are tough waters to wade into and I just didn't think she gave it the consideration it deserved. There was nothing new or exciting to this story but, like I said, the outline is there for deep emotion with the Cortez family trying to heal from the lie they told that fractured the brothers. Details, depth, and fully fleshed out characters were absent in this one, but with two brothers left single, the author has a nice setup for their stories.

thenaptimewriter's review against another edition

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**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing and Forever Pub but all opinions included are my own.

I’ve never read a Sara Richardson book before, and I haven’t read very many cowboy romances at all—outside of a few Nora Roberts, I think—so Hometown Cowboy was a fun adventure in trying something new.

It was also just a great book: emotional, tender, and sexy, with an adorable heroine and hero who kind of stumble into love.

The romance between perennially-looking-for-love Jessa Mae Love and always-focused-on-bull-riding Lance Cortez starts in somewhat She’s All That fashion, when Jessa Mae’s caught wearing a brand-new bra that does wonderful things for her bust and Lance suddenly notices her. Though Lance’s attention is caught, his attraction doesn’t stop there (luckily for all parties concerned, us readers included).

Jessa Mae might be known for having a number of broken engagements, but Lance also discovers that--besides being beautiful--, she’s devoted to the people she cares about, and as he notes on a couple of occasions, she’s not afraid to put herself out there emotionally.

But Lance needs Jessa Mae to help take care of his dad, her good friend, so that he can concentrate on winning the Worlds bull riding competition. And there’s no way that Lance wants to get involved with Jessa Mae, anyway, because he does not want to be in a relationship, will never want it, and she’s got that written all over her.

Dear Readers: what do you think will happen?

Richardson takes us on an emotionally resonant ride.

Lance’s efforts to navigate his way through relationship life are sometimes pretty funny, especially when he takes advice from other people. But they’re mostly kind of lovely, because he’s someone who’s been scared of love for so long. And I respected Jessa Mae, who may be nice, but proves that she’s no pushover.

The chemistry between Jessa Mae & Lance is stellar, and Richardson has a number of promising secondary characters who revolve around our two lovebirds, helping them on their journey and only rarely discouraging them (though I'm not quite sure what to think about Naomi!).

Hometown Cowboy is a beautiful read that's not afraid to tackle the hard stuff. A love story about people figuring out how to love, and doing it really well. **heads off to read more of Richardson’s books.

ki4eva's review against another edition

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I received this book free through Goodreads First Read.

A good first book to start a new series. Both Jessa and Lance have strong personalities and put up a strong appearance, but they both have softer sides that come out from time to time. Loved when all the brothers get together and when the book club meets.

allingoodtime's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

I almost didn’t read this story. Really, I was so tempted to skip it. It often seems the books I’ve been waiting on from the library (both online and brick and mortar) all become ready at the same time. I just have so much I have to get through that I don’t want to end up back on the waiting list for any of them after waiting so long. This story was actually attached to another story I read. For some reason, the copy I got of Luckiest Cowboy of All included both that one and this one. Sara Richardson is a new-to-me author and, although the blurb about this story piqued my interest, I just have too much on my docket. But I’m also bad at leaving books unfinished. So, although I finished the story I intended to read in this book, I couldn’t leave this story unread since it was included in the same book. To sum up this long paragraph, I wasn’t going to read this story but I’m awfully glad I did.

Jessa has such a huge heart. You could even say her heart is a bit gullible. She’s a full-on romantic so tends to romanticize everything around her. Not just in her own life, but also in the lives of those around her. The author wrote her in such a way that she never teetered over into the realm of ditzy and unrealistic though. She is just a very kind and generous person who wants to see everyone around her happy.

Lance has a lot of baggage that he’s never really tried (or cared to) work through. As far as he’s concerned, he has all he needs. Bulls to ride and his family ranch he shares with his father. Why open his heart up only to be disappointed down the road? When he has an itch to scratch there are plenty of buckle bunnies ready and willing to help him out. Although, he doesn’t even care about that so much anymore.

Even though these characters have known each other for years, it’s been in a peripheral way. Their fathers were best friends, but Jessa only spent summers in town while growing up and she is a bit younger than Lance. For his part, Lance was never one to while away his time hanging out with his brothers or their younger friends. In his mind, his past dictated that he take care of business so he pretty much kept everyone around him at arm’s length.

Once these two are thrown into each other’s orbits the sparks fly. Their first real conversation is pretty hilarious, even while being completely embarrassing for Jessa. But the chemistry cannot be denied, even when they both try so hard to ignore the fire.

Read my full review at

noveladdiction's review against another edition

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This was so sweet! I'll admit, normally the hero is my favorite part of romance novels (can you blame me?), but... I loved Jessa so much. She was so adorable and hopeful.. and I might have cheered out loud when she stood up for herself and her feelings after their big fight. And as much as I liked Lance, I absolutely cannot wait for his brother's to get their own stories, especially Lucas.

See my full review on my blog, Novel Addiction.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.