
La fille sans passé by Sarah Everett

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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"it's all in how you sell the story"

I think I've just read too many in the last year with this same theme. It's something that I'm not sure how much I agree with - if I think it's actually something we will see in our lifetimes. I'm not so sure, but maybe......and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I do like that this is a cautionary tale and a story about moving on. And the cover is fascinating.

juliterario's review against another edition

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Leí Lo que Quedó de Ti gracias al envío de un ejemplar de parte de la editorial. ¡Así que mil gracias! La verdad es que me asustaba bastante leer este libro, y no sabía si iba a gustarme o no. Vamos, que si lo ven ya se dan cuenta de que no es mucho de lo que yo suelo leer, así que tampoco me daba mucha confianza que digamos. Libros como este no suelen ser mi tipo, y por eso tenía miedo de leer Lo que Quedó de Ti. ¡Ahora estoy muy contenta!

“'Was' or 'am'? What is the word for things you were and no longer are but always will be?”

Este libro trata unos temas sumamente originales y que sin duda disfruté. Ha sido un verdadero placer leerlo ya que llegué a conectar con todos los personajes. Lo único en lo que podía pensar mientras leía era que esta era una novela sumamente REALISTA en cuando a los personajes. Sarah Everett capta a la perfección lo que es (y lo que se siente) ser un adolescente y lo que es el amor juvenil. Y eso me encantó. Esta novela es una rebanada de la realidad misma en cuanto a los personajes y al desarrollo de los mismos, y de seguro el trabajo de la autora es impecable.

“Of the space that is left by all the lives and people and things I can’t hold on to. I don’t know what makes them disappear, or where they disappear to. Only that the feeling terrifies me."

Pero Lo que Quedó de Ti no es en absoluto lo que promete la sinopsis. Bueno, léanla y verán que es una descripción perfecta de la primera mitad del libro, pero luego de eso esta historia se convierte en algo completamente diferente. ¡Sin advertencia alguna! Si uno ha de incluir ciertos elementos en un libro como giros inesperados sin avisar, la lectura no tendrá sentido. Entiendo lo que Everett quiso hacer, sí, pero lo que incluyó en la novela no coincide con el género de libro que uno cree que está leyendo, y se debe advertir al lector que lo que se cree que está leyendo tiene un toque de otro género. Sino, todo queda sumamente extraño y hasta daba risa. Es una pena, lo sé, pero ese fue MI ÚNICO PROBLEMA con Lo que Quedó de Ti. La segunda mitad del libro tomó una camino de lo más inesperado y no cuadraba con la historia, así que quedé... estupefacta. Vamos, que el final también es un tanto débil y flojo para concluir semejante libro. Y... eso.

“Our eyes meet and flicker away from each other again, and because I'm in the process of being devastated, I don't tell him I agree with him. That I think love wake people up. Even the idea of it. Even the whisper of the idea of it.”

khairun_atika's review against another edition

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I was glad to finally get my hands on this book. The premise of heartbreak, grief and memory loss has always been one of my favourite themes, especially in a YA novel. In this debut by Sarah Everett, Addie Sullivan starts seeing a boy everywhere, although no one else can. Disturbed by these hallucinations, she consults the facility that specialises in the complex branch of neurology, Overton - only to discover that she had been there to remove the memory of the mysterious boy. What ensues is a story of first love, first heartbreak and finding out the difference between forgetting and moving on. There is a very big significance of letting somebody go, or totally erasing him from memory. And this story taps on the bravery and guile needed to move on and to accept the pains of your past, making it a beautiful reading memory.

blakehalsey's review against another edition

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Oh holy cats what a tense, emotional, gut-wrenching, effing gorgeous ride. For real. I had a STRONG emotional reaction to this book. I cried real tears. This book is beautifully written & I can't say much, because spoilers, but I am going to point out a WONDERFUL thing about this story. It is all about realizing that there this no magic spell for getting through tough shit, be it mental illness or situations or what have you. And I think that is such a HUGE thing for teens to read about. Everything feels so catastrophic at that age. And some things are. But w/ help & people & meds & crying & bravery & whatever it is one needs, these things can be faced. Moreover, they can become IMPORTANT because they are YOURS. They are part of you, something that makes you you, makes your life what it is, molds how you see the world and those around you. This book is special, y'all. SPECIAL.

redrose95's review against another edition

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I was really looking forward to reading this book but I was sadly disappointed. To be honest, I felt the plot was way too unrealistic and I didn't feel like I had a connection to the characters at all.

crabber's review against another edition

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I know this book was way before I did “book reviews” but the memory of this book is still there!! I remember liking the concept, the entire time was super raw, I remember all the experiences that they had and then soon after, never remembered having. It was a blast to me and that’s all that mattered, probably made me cry as well.

mehsi's review against another edition

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Beautiful, heartbreaking, and so fucking gorgeous. I just couldn't stop reading. Thank heavens I had a free afternoon, well... free... I kind of have all sorts of things to do like cleaning, laundry, but this book grabbed me. :P

I was already hoping that this one would be a gem, and boy I am so happy it was. The book features a before and after, and with each passing page we see more and more of what is going on and how everything spiralled out of control.

It all starts with our MC sitting in the bus with a mysterious boy, Bus Boy, then there is an accident, and suddenly she finds out that not everything is as perfect as it always was. Bus Boy? He doesn't exist, no one, but our MC can see him, and it just broke my heart apart when she found that out. When she found out that this guy, this sexy guy, was nothing but an illusion. But who is he, and why is he following her, why can she talk to him and he answers back? In the now we see her try to figure out all the hints, try to stay sane, and find out so many things that it will break not only me, but everyone reading.

In the before we see her and Zach (aka Bus Boy, sorry, not a spoiler as it was pretty obvious from the first before page that it was meant to be Zach). They meet up during the summer that Addie was all alone (her best friend had gone to a fun trip with other friends). They click, they spark, and they get together. She acts in one of his movies (which meant lots of ketchup and fun), and they get really close together. I definitely loved them as a couple, but of course I was prepared for what was to come. I had a whole bunch of ideas what could possibly have caused our MC to erase this boy, this memory, this summer, those months, from her mind. When we do find out (though I have to say I could have seen it coming, the signs were there), oh boy, I wanted to kick the guy in his balls. And no, you will have to read to find out what happened, and why she erased him.

The erasing, and how it happened. Wow, that such a thing is open to public. That something like that can be done to anyone. Everyone can just erase their minds like that. All you need is money, permission (if you are under 18), and a healthy body. It was pretty shocking, but then again, while I am against it... I may just be using the same procedure to forget stuff, stuff that I don't ever want to remember. But then again, seeing how our MC went through things, how it broke her... I am not too sure if I would really do it. But it is a tempting offer. A very tempting offer.

In the end everything comes full circle, and I have to say that at first I was shouting at our MC for her decision, but then cheering when she did that. Go girl! I am so happy for you.

What more can I tell about the book? Oh that I love the MC's best friend? She was just such a delightful girl, so full of fire, so kick-ass, and so sweet and protective.

Bonus points to the cover. I just adore it!

Review first posted at

jessicaye's review against another edition

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I read this a while ago and never did a review on it. To be honest, I did force myself through the book the first time, but the second and third were a lot better. Addie's story line is original, but the author didn't do a very good job bringing it through. Overall though, it was an okay book.

ellieroth's review against another edition

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melissadelongcox's review against another edition

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Meh. Just meh. I think this could've been better but was ultimately just okay. Nothing spectacular, and when you find out she erased an ex from her mind in the first place it feels a little silly.