librarica11's review against another edition

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If you can make it through the first twenty pages, this may be one of the most rewarding animal stories you ever read. It is very, very well written.

ameserole's review against another edition

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Now I sort of knew about this whole situation but at the time, I didn't really dive into the investigation to know more about it. Mostly because when this came to light, I think I was in High School.. and just worried about boys, soccer, and friends. Oh and books - can't forget about them!

That being said, I was really intrigued to dive into this book. I'll even admit that I cried my eyes out. So this book dove into the actual fighting and then into their foster lives. It was quite a shock to see both sides and definitely took my an emotional roller coaster ride. Hence, the tears.

Being a dog lover, I never got into the idea that dogs are born aggressive. It just isn't true and rubs me the wrong way every time someone says it to my face. I believe that a dog is only aggressive due to the owner. So if the owner is aggressive then I would assume that the dog would follow. Now that doesn't mean it's one hundred percent accurate but I have two Doberman Pinschers and, of course, everyone thinks they will be attacked by them.

Since I'm an asshole I always say 'Sorry, not today.' just to get them out of our way. My dogs, basically huge puppies, are just so lovable. They loving playing and people petting them but if they say a comment like that - well, I just walk away and don't let them pet my damn dogs. Sorry that you missed out on some awesome dobey kisses.

Now going through the emotional train, I enjoyed each and every story that was in this book. It nearly broke my heart that some dogs missed being saved weeks before it actually happened. If only they had waited to do this dirty deed.. or if the cops and such showed up earlier. So many dogs could still be around and learning what true love is.

Ugh, my heart is already starting to break right now. Overall, this book was so good and I'm so happy that I got to dive into it.

emilyhawkinspdx's review against another edition

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It was very informative but also extremely hard to read. What those dogs endured is just awful. I wish that anyone who thinks Michael Vick "served his time and should be left alone" would read this. I also wish people who endorse BSL or think pits are scary would read this. What those animals went through, only to come out the other side willing to love and trust is just a testament to what wonderful creatures dogs are!

lizaroo71's review against another edition

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Dogs of any kind warm my heart. I have five at home - one that is seventeen and still going strong. So the first twenty pages or so found me flinching and questioning whether I should go on reading this one. I am glad I stuck with it.

The opening chapters describe the horrific violence these dogs have to endure at the hands of their tormentors and it just breaks your heart. But the real story is about how the dogs prevail and heal. Their spirits aren't broken and they show humans that you can move forward after facing the worst of violence and deprivation.

There is a resilience to the dogs that I have seen in my own pups. We have had many dogs over the years and also rescued several that we adopted out. My husband, I joke, is a dog whisperer, because dogs are drawn to him without fear. I have seen the difference it makes if a person takes the time to love a dog and show it the good side of human behavior. The rewards are so welcoming because that dog will love unconditionally.

This is a tribute to both the people that fostered the dogs and rehabilitated them so that they can go on to live a more comfortable life; but it is about the dogs and how they are not broken by the darkness of life at the Bad Newz Kennels (the name Vick adopted for his dog fighting enterprise). It will break your heart, but it makes sure to put the pieces all back in place and then give you a hug.

ahcrowns's review against another edition

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A must read

sierraseawitch's review against another edition

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Lots of people have been writing that they couldn't get past the first chapter because of how traumatizing the details of Fighting Ring was, but as sad as this book starts out it is not defined by the acts of Michael Vick. The majority of this book is about the path of recovery these dogs took and the people who helped them along the way. As deceiving as the beginning of the book may be, "The Lost Dogs" is a story of redemption, kindness, and trust. Often times I found myself smiling or laughing at what was going on in the pages as foster parents described the antics of their new dogs or the training follies that occurred (there is one particular description of Johnny Justice flailing his legs about like Scooby Doo because of the nefarious Garbage Truck that had me laughing like a crazy person on the subway). If you are afraid of the content go ahead and skip the first part. The rest of the book is worth it.

That being said, the final chapter caught me off guard and left me very emotional. I felt a little angry because I was reading victory after victory and then suddenly got hit in the face with a tragedy. I am not saying this so you will avoid reading the book all together, but so you will go into that final chapter prepared to face the onslaught of emotions.

I did not give this book 5 stars because I wasn't really a fan of the writing style. I felt that some things were glossed over whereas others went into far too much detail. I often got confused as to who the author was talking about and would have liked a bit more fluidity in the writing style. However, these are nit-picky problems and did not distract from the content too much.

Overall, I found this book exceptionally educational and uplifting. It spoke to my inner-dog person at a very basic level and had me missing my puppies every day that I read it. I was constantly thinking about it and taking long lunches at work to keep reading. This book really outlines how important it is to spread awareness about dogfighting and breed prejudice. One way you can do just that is to buy this book and read it on the train, in the park, anywhere public where someone will see it or ask you about it. I can't tell you how many people I've lectured about dogfighting or pit bulls because they mistakenly asked, "What are you reading?"

If you're a dog person this book will speak to you. If you aren't then maybe it will help you understand dog people a little better.

Also, Michael Vick is an monster. Tell everyone.

madlymadly's review against another edition

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Very glad I read this account of the Victory dogs — where it started for them as well as how their individual stories played out.

literacywithchelsea's review against another edition

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Wow. I don’t have words but I’ll try. This story is both heartbreaking and uplifting. It’s hard to read, and also hard to put down. 
I remember hearing about Vick’s dog fighting ring back when it was in the news years ago. What I don’t remember is ever hearing anything about the dogs afterwards. 
It’s incredible to hear that so many of the dogs were able to become fosters, therapy dogs, and live happy lives. 
The media portrays pitbulls in such a negative light, and now that I have rescued a pit bull mix, it breaks my heart to see and hear of so many negative comments about the breed. It is all in how they are raised. And even Vick’s dogs, while raised as dog fighting dogs, with training and care have turned out to be therapy dogs and nearly all passed their canine good citizen test. It’s truly incredible. 
The author does an amazing job telling this hard story and I highly recommend the audio too! 
🥹Justice for the Pitts.

wearethedepinets's review against another edition

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I am so glad I kept with this book. It was an amazing read and I have already begun to pass this book to my friends. This book should be required reading for anyone that wants to defend Michael Vick as a football player. He may be an amazing football player, but he is a terrible human being.

traciballs's review against another edition

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Hold on tight. I will be a bumpy ride. Grit your teeth and your Kleenex and push past chapter 3. Those first 3 are the gut wrenchers. Beyond that there are some amazing stories to lift you up!