
Feel Me by Cecy Robson

sharshell's review

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**I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.**

Declan O'Brien is asked to take over the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit and become acting District Attorney while District Attorney Miles Fenske deals with a recurrence of cancer. This means working closely with Mile's adopted daughter Melissa who is hearing impaired. Declan isn't one to believe in love given what he grew up with. Yes, his brothers and sisters found their happily ever afters but Declan doesn't believe it's in his cards.

Declan has to work closely with Melissa on a series of cases, apparently he can't help making a fool of himself in front of her. Melissa watches woman fawn all over Declan, she's just never been that type of woman. Their feelings for each start to blossom and before they can stop it they are acting on that attraction.

I found it interesting learning about Melissa's impairment and how it affected her. The chemistry between Declan and Melissa is super hot. I can't wait to read more in this series!

Wicked Reads Review Team

laurapecora's review

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Trigger warnings for ableism, child abuse, child sexual assault and murder.

Also the dudes are really gross in their "don't touch my woman or I'll punch you" macho toxic masculinity bullshit.

dalilalala's review

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4 stars

mandy_pandy's review

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I really enjoyed this book. Melissa is hearing impaired and had a traumatic event happen in her childhood. As an adult, she fights for victims rights. Declan is the acting DA and has to work on some cases with Melissa. There are some really good steamy scenes and this couple has fantastic chemistry. A little more angsty than I was prepared for but overall a really good book!

bananatricky's review

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Melissa Fenske is the hearing impaired head of Victim Services working with the head of the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit, or SACU for short, run by her father District Attorney Miles Fenske. Melissa's father has a recurrence of his cancer and he has asked Declan O'Brien to take over SACU and become acting District Attorney in his place. Melissa is amused by the way that every other woman in the building practically swoons when Declan walks past, okay he might be tall, blonde and handsome but his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Melissa isn't Miles' biological daughter, her mother was a drug addict and tried to sell her for drugs money when she was a child, Miles was a police officer who helped rescue Melissa and went on to adopt her. But her early childhood, her hearing impairment and the bullying she endured at school as a result of her delayed speech have meant that Melissa finds it difficult to trust others.

Declan O'Brien is a young Assistant District Attorney, ever since the first time he met Melissa he has managed to say or do something to embarrass himself. Declan wants to be head of the Murder Unit or Violent Crimes, not SACU. He has big political ambitions for Mayor and beyond, but when he realises that Miles is asking him to do this because his cancer has returned he accepts the position. Declan is the second oldest of seven children, his mother brought them up single-handed whilst their father went to live with his mistress. Despite the happy marriages/ relationships of his sister and two of his brothers he just doesn't believe that love can conquer all, in fact he doesn't believe in love full stop.

Together Declan and Melissa work a series of cases involving child abuse and sexual assault. They try to keep things professional between them but eventually give into their feelings. But can a man who doesn't believe in love and a woman who can't trust others really have a long-term relationship?

Although this is the fourth book in the series it can easily be read as a stand-alone, I did. However, I wonder whether some of the early interactions, such as what Declan said when he first met Melissa, were included in previous books which may have shed more light on the relationship.

I liked this but I didn't love it. It felt as though the book was more about:

1. Melissa's hearing impairment and how it felt and affected her life (don't get me wrong, I liked this and thought it was very insightful);
2. The stories of various victims of child abuse; and
3. Melissa and Declan having sex in various public places

than the development of the romance between them. In fact, both their original antagonism and their subsequent falling in love seem to happen off-screen as if there isn't enough time to show the reader what is happening which is a pity because otherwise I enjoyed the writing.

I am intrigued to read the other books in this series, featuring Declan's brothers and sister.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

emonroe26's review

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There were a few things that didn’t work for me with this one:

1. the classic: the characters and relationship were not developed in a way that made it clear to the reader why these characters needed to be together

2. the unoriginal: the conflict confused me in the sense that I didn’t really understand why the conflict was there in the first place and what was really preventing the characters to be together. It felt formulaic in the sense that there needed to be a conflict, but there was no actual conflict foundation given.

3. the unfortunate: If you are going to have a character with disabilities (and PLEASE, let’s get some more rep going on up in here), do your homework and do it right. The heroine in this story is hearing impaired and sometimes it is incorporated in the story and other times it seems completely forgotten. It read like something thrown in as a cute accessory rather than actual representation.

bobosbookbank's review

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Cecy Robson is another new to me author (YAY!) and although this is book four in The O'Brien Family series, I had no problem understanding or connecting with this huge, boisterous and rowdy family. You won't find a whole lot of outrageous angst in this story BUT there was a lot of emotional tension that kept me riveted to the pages! Ms. Robson weaves several really tough issues into the story including cancer, rape, and domestic violence but in a way that doesn't overwhelm or dominate over the main story: the relationship between Declan and Melissa. Declan is the overly ambitious politician, aghast at the possibility of falling in love with the beautiful, tenacious Melissa. Melissa is hearing impaired but that doesn't hold her back. She's formidable and bold but also compassionate and generous especially with the victims she represents. I loved her character so it's no wonder that Declan falls for her! I also adored the secondary characters, Declan's brothers, their loves and his sister. They added a bit of humor to the story, keeping it from being really dark. For me, this was an emotional rollercoaster, a well written, sexy read with a happy and sweet end. Told from dual POVs. I received, read and voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

thebookdisciple's review

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I have enjoyed all of Cecy Robson's O'Brien books, but Feel Me is close to my heart. Melissa, our heroine, is hearing impaired. The nuances of being hearing impaired that she shares in the book are things that I deal with daily. The frustration of hearing aids, the oddness of plunging yourself into a silent world, the daily struggle of communication...Everything Melissa mentioned had me feeling less alone in my personal struggle with hearing loss.

As if that wasn't enough to make me adore Melissa, her job as a victims advocate makes it impossible not to love her. She helps people through the most traumatic event in their life and guides them through the judicial process to help them get justice and closure. It is a very emotionally draining job that most people could never do. And if that isn't enough, her backstory will make you want to hug her tight. She is tough on Declan, but not without reason.

Declan is power hungry. He has been focused on being head DA of homicide, then mayor, and maybe one day, governor. So, when he is assigned as the DA for SACU, he is pissed. But, he has a great deal of respect for Melissa's father, the current DA. But, he and Melissa had a disastrous first meeting and he has been putting his foot in his mouth every time he sees her from then on. But, he is attracted to Melissa. Not his usual type, he finds himself thinking that maybe love isn't a myth.

My struggle with the story was Declan. He has such a painful past that he refuses to believe that love is in the cards for him. This past pain prevents him from really being all in with Melissa. I wanted to shake him! I get that his dad was a jerk who cheated on his mom, but he has 3 siblings who have found real love! He hurts Melissa, even though that wasn't his plan, because he can't get past his hang ups. It was such a dichotomy to Melissa who had spent her life with struggles and kept pushing through. Declan was paralyzed by his own fear of love.

Like all of Robson's books, the characters of Feel Me are complex and dynamic, the emotions are raw and real, and the ending is sweet and heartwarming.


  • POV: dual 1st

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: enemies to lovers

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: 

  • HEA: 
    Spoileryes with wonderful epilogue!

Until Sage by Aurora Rose Reynolds, Jordan Reclaimed by Scarlett Cole, Max by Sawyer Bennett...then you will probably like Feel Me!

Feel Me

ibooks-icon amazon-icon-star

See full review on The Book Disciple

ladywithaquill's review

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While this book got off to a bit of a slow start for me, I ended up really connecting well with the characters and getting connected to their individual stories. There was romance, of course, but there was also a lot of deep topics brought up - rape, child abuse, cancer - and those brought the story to life for me. It wasn't just about one man and one woman falling in love. It was also about their growth in character and their personal struggles with those issues.

Declan O'Brien is close to becoming the youngest District Attorney in Pennsylvania's history, and the next step in accomplishing that is to work alongside the one person who has never fallen for his charm - Melissa Fenske, the current DA's daughter. Melissa was born with hearing loss, and after a narrow escape from a rapist at the age of six, she was adopted by the DA in charge of her case. When he develops colon cancer, he asks Declan to be acting DA while he undergoes treatment, and in addition Declan is asked to work with Melissa as head of the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit. The two immediately clash, but as they get to know each other, a different kind of spark begins to fly. But is Declan ready to commit and can Melissa learn to trust him despite his reputation?

I wasn't sure if I would be able to connect with Melissa and Declan initially. For the first few chapters, I struggled to understand them beyond the fact that Melissa was disabled and Declan was a player. However, as they interacted more and their true characters emerged, I was intrigued and excited to read what came next. I loved how their relationship developed, although it was difficult when things got hairy and Declan struggled with his ability to love another person. That became frustrating, especially when Melissa didn't trust him enough to give him room to realize his feelings for her. It all worked out, of course, but if you're expecting a romance novel with an easy happily-ever-after, this isn't it. It's raw and gritty, and it feels very much like real life.

This is the second book I have read by Cecy Robson, and I look forward to reading more! She creates amazing characters and brings out the best emotions in a reader.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

stephsbookramblings's review

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I love a good romance series with great characters and strong woman. I am a big fan of Nora Roberts and her trilogies/quartets and this book reminded me of her stories a lot. There’s a bit more sexiness in these than a typical NR book but they are not long drawn out or overdone scenes if you choose to skim those parts.
I usually don’t like to start in the middle of a series but was asked for a review and couldn’t resist. Declan and Mel’s story can definitely be read as a standalone but it is so good you will want to go back and read the first three books just like I’m dying to!
It is always great when they subplots are interesting as well as the main storyline and that is very true in this one. Declan and Mel work in the district attorney’s office helping victims of domestic violence and abuse-there was nothing too graphic-and it was very interesting to read. My only complaint would be that there was a touch too much drama thrown in at the end. Every relationship has its problems in the beginning but a few too many were thrown in towards the end. This did not deter me from enjoying this story!