
A Highlander is Coming to Town by Laura Trentham

kle105's review against another edition

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While I much preferred the other books in this series, I also liked this one just not as much. Something about Claire was a little off. I admire her for going against her family and trudging a life outside of their money and pressure, she just seemed like a hot mess. She admits that caring for the older woman in not altruistic but selfish as she tries to figure out her life. She doesn't take kindness from strangers very well.

Holt is such a sweet, caring and way too understanding of a person, considering all that Claire dumps at his feet but overall I really liked him but not as much depth as I would have liked.

I love the small town feel of this setting, and how everyone sort of embraces everyone. I look forward to more books in this series.

I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

laura_cs's review against another edition

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I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Move over, Santa. This year, a man in a kilt is coming to town...

Former lead singer for the Scottish rock band, the Scunners, Claire is hiding out in Highland, Georgia, while sorting out some personal issues. She dreads her inevitable return to Scotland, where she must face her distant parents and determine--once and for all--if she is ready and willing to lead the life they want for her. In the meantime, she's staying as the live-in caretaker for Ms. Meadows, an elderly widow with a lot of spunk. She doesn't have the time or inclination to get involved with anyone, let alone Holt Pierson. Especially Holt Pierson, because Ms. Meadows can't stand him.

All around nice guy and Highland's golden boy (and recent Laird of the Games at the Highlands Scottish Fair) Holt Pierson finds Ms. Meadows' less-than-friendly views on him to be fair. After all, his father had been harassing the old woman about buying her property since Holt was small. And he hasn't exactly been that good of a neighbor to her, especially when she needs it the most. But he's determined to change that. And, no, not just because she now has a really pretty girl living with her. Of course not. He's not interested in Claire. Except, he really, really is...

Can Holt and Claire get a Christmas miracle? And will the first annual Highland Burns Festival be a success? And what's wrong with Anna Maitland?

A fantastic conclusion to the Highland trilogy, "A Highlander is Coming to Town" is wonderfully Christmassy and festive despite the warm weather that Highland can't escape (living in Georgia's neighboring state, South Carolina, I feel ya...). This is a beautiful final trip to Highland, where we get to see a whole new Scottish festival, see familiar faces again, and catch up on all the latest gossip of the small town. And, more importantly, we finally get to see Holt in a leading role, and getting all the romance he deserves! Plus, Scottish accents and kilts. What's not to love? (There's a particular chapter that is near and dear to my heart, featuring Holt and Iain attempting--and failing--to cook. It is the best thing I have ever read.)

colleen1011's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book. A new to me author. I would read again. Good plot development. I enjoyed the main character development.

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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really loved this story. So glad they found their HEA and there was some family building as well.

sharonhof's review against another edition

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This was my first time reading a Laura Trentham novel, so I was reading this without reading the first two in the series. This wasn’t a problem and I enjoyed the pacing and interactions between the main characters. A simple, cozy, funny, heartwarming read perfect for this time of year.

I received an e-ARC copy in return for my honest review. And now intend to buy more from this author.

teresajluvs2read's review against another edition

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**I received a copy of A Highlander is Coming to Town from St. Martin's and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited in any way.**

A Highlander is Coming to Town by Laura Trentham is the third book in her Highland, Georgia series. This is Holt and Claire's book but it's really Ms. Meadows who I'm sure everyone had a beloved teacher everyone loved. She taught the whole town science and the lessons she teaches Claire are the most important, and family may not be the one your born with it's the people around you. I can't wait for the next book and the best line in the book is when Holt tells Claire that of course he's going to wear a kilt to the bar because he'll get a free beer.

Claire Smythe decided to stay after the Highland festival giving up the Scunners singing group and taking care of former teacher Ms. Meadows (Careful of her shotgun) using a bicycle to get into town. Holt Pierson rescues her during a rain storm and he knows there's a reason she's hiding in Highland so he's willing to find out with a burned dinner and showing his farm animals to her. Little does he know that her biggest decision is coming right after the Robert Burns festival at Christmas, will she stay or move on? Can he convince her to stay?

Holt Pierson is lonely when his parents retire to sunny Florida leaving him with the farm that's his
legacy. Meeting Claire in town may just be what he needs to get over his doldrums however hell have to get beyond her reluctance to share information. He introduces her to his best friend Annie, Ian and Dr. Meadows giving her a sense of family she never had. An emergency with Ms. Meadows will bring many decisions for everyone involved including Claire.

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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A fun, light-hearted read.

Angsty heroine who is hiding out from her family and the secret she doesn't want anyone in Highland Falls to discover and the farmer neighbor who can't get her out of his head. Secrets be damned.

I enjoyed this story, perhaps not as much as I enjoyed the first book in the series but still worth picking up!

*I received an ARC from NetGalley for voluntary review

hookedbythatbook's review against another edition

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-- Read this review, and others, on my blog at --

Claire Smythe is hiding from her family, at least until her 25th birthday, when she has to make some big decisions about her future. She found refuge in Highland, a small town in Georgia, working as companion and assistant to the old and lonely Ms. Meadows. Holt Pierson comes to her rescue when he gave her a lift home one day. Claire isn’t ready to be in any kind of relationship, and Holt can’t seem to stay away from her.

I quite enjoyed this sweet story. Claire and Holt work well together, and I loved their interactions. Claire was like a cute, but prickly porcupine most of the time, and Holt was trying to get to her softer side without getting pricked. Claire’s secret revealed itself slowly, and in increments, just as she slowly opened up to Holt.

Pick this if you’re in the mood for a romantic comedy that’s not always bright and shiny.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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Very good book. I enjoyed my return trip to Highland, Georgia, and the chance to see Holt get his happy ever after. I felt bad for him in the first book, [b:A Highlander Walks into a Bar|41150403|A Highlander Walks into a Bar (Highland, Georgia, #1)|Laura Trentham||65247189], when he lost Izzy to Alasdair. In that book, and the following one, [b:A Highlander in a Pickup|45046643|A Highlander in a Pickup (Highland, Georgia, #2)|Laura Trentham||69749560], he exhibits some restlessness, wondering if there is more to life. At the beginning of this story, Holt runs the family farm on his own while his parents travel the country in an RV. On a trip into town, Holt meets the prickly Claire when he rescues her groceries from a broken bag. A short time later, he comes to the rescue again when her bike has a flat. He is intrigued by the contrasts he sees in her - a bit of mystery, a crusty attitude, and hints of fun and flirtation.

Claire made her first appearance in the last book as the singer for the band The Scunners at the Highland Games. She traveled with them for several years but parted ways at the end of the games. Since then, she has worked as a caregiver for an elderly lady, Ms. Meadows. In the few months that Claire has been there, she has done her best to avoid spending much time in town. She has a pretty big secret, and she doesn't want to take a chance on revealing it. Claire has some big decisions to make about her future before going home to Scotland after Christmas. The last thing she needs is to get involved with a good-looking farmer.

I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Claire and Holt. They don't seem like much of a match at first. Claire is aloof, sometimes rude, but hides a good heart. Holt is handsome, charming, and seemingly unflappable. From the moment he met her, Holt was determined to get to know Claire better. In their first encounters, he is intrigued by the fun side that pokes through her prickly crust. He takes every opportunity to spend time with her until he breaks down her walls entirely. Claire doesn't know quite what to make of Holt at first. No matter how rude she is to him, it just rolls off his back. It isn't long before she enjoys his company.

The sparks of attraction that were there from the start soon burst into flame. The more time they spend together, the closer they get. It is soon apparent that both of them have been lonely and that being together makes a big difference in their lives. But Claire has been clear from the beginning that she has to go back to Scotland, which is warring with her growing feelings for Holt. An unexpected arrival in Highland accelerates decision time for Claire. I enjoyed this part so much because the growth in confidence and maturity that Claire has experienced surfaces in a very satisfying way. I wasn't surprised by her decision and loved how easy it was for her to do. I loved the follow-on of her visit to Holt and the happiness that resulted. The epilogue was excellent, with a few more surprises and a great deal of fun.

I love the small town of Highland. It was heartwarming to see how Claire was eased into the fabric of the town's life. She never stood a chance of staying aloof once she started hanging out with Holt. I had to laugh at her encounter with Anna in the drugstore, which was an unusual way to begin a friendship. I liked how Iain and the band helped Claire get back into her music. But my favorite resident was Ms. Meadows. Under that crusty exterior was a heart of gold, and I loved that she took care of Claire just as much as Claire did of her. I had to laugh at her protectiveness when Holt first showed up, and how his charm even worked on her. There were some wonderfully heartwarming scenes between Ms. Meadows and Claire.

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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This has been a fun series to read and I enjoy the ties between Scotland and this town in Georgia.

If you delve into this series, make sure to start with the first book since the characters continue from book to book and there is a little bit of an introduction into the various characters. I haven't read the second book (this is book 3) and I feel like I missed something regarding Claire and her decision to leave the band she was singing with and hide out in Highland. There are some mentions of running from her family and the obligation, but I don't know what caused her to leave the band.

I enjoyed watching the interaction between Claire and Holt. They definitely have some sizzling chemistry, but Claire's walls hold him back from having a serious relationship. Claire's secret is holding her back from a full relationship with him or anyone else. It is a shame that she feels she has to hide away from those in town and dress in clothing that disguises who she is. But time helps her realize what she wants out of life.

I think one character that steals the book is Mrs. Meadows that Claire lives with and is assisting with various tasks around her house. She is a feisty woman that has endured a lot in her life and we get a glimpse of those tragedies. She isn't afraid to stand up to Holt in the beginning for the wrongs his family had done to her in the past. Thankfully, she is a smart woman and moves past those.

If you are looking for an escape this might be a good choice to pick up.  We give this book 4 paws up.