
EverMarked by AJ Eversley

dimples87's review

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This is a fantastic start of a series for people who love action trilogies like these of this genre. This book starts off the first chapter showing you just how heroic these characters are in the world that is theirs starting with Sienna who is in the arena and battling as a mere human against others more powerful than she is but she proves herself worthy of a win. Things get even more interesting as Jayla who is set out to protect the city at large must return to the arena to uncover a hidden truth. This book is action-packed, unpredictable, inspirational with brilliant characters in an original setting. I loved reading each page of this one kept me guessing but also the origin about how the differences are apparent and molded together to complete a story that will leave you well entertained. I loved reading this one. Be sure to enjoy this one!

roxsannel's review

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Sienna is a young girl who is about to graduate from her school in the DEZ where she is living after being abandoned by her parents at birth, nothing seems too untoward about that, except that because of this she is one of the Marked. This means that she is not allowed outside of the DEZ and as such, not know what the outside world is like and she takes risks by actually going outside and into the arena in the city of Cytos, but she is doing it for a reason, she is preparing for life outside the DEZ, so as well as her studies during the week, she goes into the arena on a weekend so she can provide for herself and her friends when they do graduate.

Jayla is a Watcher and is part of a secret force who keep the citizens of Cytos safe from those they have no idea about, she stops those who would want to harm the population and maintains the secrecy that has been around for over one hundred and fifty year and she has done her job successfully until now.

This story begins with Sienna in the ring and fighting her opponent so that she can remain the Champion, although she has to cover up her marks and her face so that she is not recognised as one of the Marked. After she finishes the fight, she is confronted by her friend who has also sneaked out of the DEZ to find her, as they walk back together, they visit another friend on the way.

As both Sienna and Jayla go about their lives, there is an explosion at a genetics lab within the city limits and this event is a shock and mystery as the explanation is a gas leak, however, this is suspicious to both of them because of the use of robotics as a means to ensure the safety of the population.

As both parties decide to investigate what happened, they realise that something isn't right and that all is not well in the worlds they both live in. What they both don’t realise is that the challenges and barriers which will be thrown up in front of them, will be something that neither is expecting or anticipating.

What will happen once Sienna and her friends graduate? Will Jayla be able to figure out what the significance of the explosion is? Will either of them be able to carry on as they are, or will their futures be more than they are capable of facing?

The answers are in this fantastic book and they’re ready and waiting to be discovered as you are drawn into Jayla and Sienna’s worlds and lives. Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of emotion, as you delve through this fast paced and exciting read.

lisa01's review

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This book is crazy good! I Love it! The story drew me in from the beginning and didn’t let go til the last page. The action and suspense that fill these pages is enormous! I really didn’t know what was going to happen next. The characters are different and interesting. We are dealing with six kids. They are marked, pur and/or Watchers. Sierra, Theo and Vic are the Marked. Jayla, Caspian and Em are the Watchers. When their worlds collide everything as they knew it goes up in smoke. I enjoyed each group and liked watching them bicker like siblings and change as the circumstances around them warranted it.

This is my first book by this author. The flow of the story is fast paced. It’s a wonderful dystopian story. It made me care and worry about the characters. It made me want to know more about the Void and what these Marked kids are doing. That ending?! Just WOWED me! I can’t wait for the next in the series!

fish3718's review

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The more I read YA book I enjoy them more and more. This is my first book by AJ Eversley and it will not be my last. The story is at a fast pace. The descriptive writing makes a picture-perfect in my mind’s eye. The story has ups and downs and twists and turns. The characters are fully developed and very likable. I felt as if I was right in the story with them. This is Sienna’s story. She is getting ready to graduate. She is all about leaving the DEZ. She has learned that being someone in the underground and in the outside world is difficult. Will she be able to get away from the DEZ and become part of the world? I highly recommend reading this story.

bwagner's review

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This is my first book by this author, I enjoyed it and look forward to more from them. This story is full of action and adventure. I found this book to be engaging and easy to read. It is a well developed story that has characters that made me feel as if I was right there with them. I had no problems connecting with them and they certainly brought the story to life for me. The author’s attention to detail was so great that it made the story exciting to read. It is a fast paced story that kept me turning pages to the end. Lots going on in this book, you don’t want to miss. There is alot going on in this book, I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens when there is a battle for survival and a deadly hidden secret could change everything.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

EverMarked is the first book in The EverMarked Series by A.J Eversley. It is a young adult dystopian fantasy with sci-fi elements, action, adventure, suspense, romance, mystery, and so much more. This is the first book that I have read from A.J Eversley, so I really didn’t know what to expect from the story. But the cover drew me to the book and the blurb sealed the deal. I enjoyed the story, and even though it was a little slow at times and I didn’t fully connect with one of the two MC’s, I am invested enough to want to continue the series- as well as explore the “Watcher Trilogy” which is apparently set in the same ‘world’, only set much earlier in time- sounds intriguing.
Sienna is a Marked Kid, (and the whole concept behind that is incredibly original and interesting) who has spent her entire life in an orphanage. She dreams of being “free” and imagining what life will be like once she’s out. Fighting in the Underground is her means-to-an-end.
Jayla’s a watcher whose mission is to keep the city safe. But a threat has emerged, which will test them all. With the explosion rocking the city, Jayla is determined to track down the ones responsible. Discoveries are made, which places the Marked Kids in the middle of everything. What ensues makes for an interesting read.
Ending on a cliffhanger, I am intrigued by where this series is headed and what I might discover in the next book.

Thank you, A.J Eversley!

jennadb's review

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EverMarked by AJ Eversley is a YA Sci Fi/Dystopian story and a great start to the series. AJ is a new author to me but I read something that was gripping, engaging and well written. There is lots of dynamics that make it hard to put down. The plot is enticing and the characters were likable and AJ’s world building was vivid and exciting.
This is one that the not only will the YA world enjoy but others who love a good Sci Fi/Dystopian story.

hncald78's review

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This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I really enjoyed it. The plot flows very well and I love the attention to detail. The beautiful cover immediately drew me in and I was fascinated by the story that Eversley wove together. A quick read for me and one I definitely enjoyed. I look forward to reading more in the series.

anya_reads's review

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I received an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a huge disappointment. The premise sounded intriguing, and as a massive dystopian/sci-fi fan, I thought this would be right up my street. Sadly, this wasn't the case.

My main problem was the characters. Sienna and Jayla (the main characters) felt like the exact same person. Sure, they had combat skills and tragic backstories, but apart from that? There wasn't anything unique about either of them. If it weren't for the side characters mentioned, I wouldn't know which character's point of view I was reading.

This brings me onto the side characters. Both main characters had more chemistry with their girl best friend than they did with their actual guy love interest, but of course it wasn't cannon. The side characters had slightly more personality than the main characters, but not enough to entice me.

Because I didn't care about the characters, I then didn't care about the story. Did I think the world had potential? Yes. Was it compelling and strong enough to make me want to keep reading? No.

Overall, I wasn't a fan of Evermarked at all, which was such a shame because I had high expectations.