
De toute mon âme by Rachel Vincent, Françoise Nagel

novelsbycaitlin's review against another edition

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Okay, I didn't finish it. So sue me. In all honesty, it wasn't bad. In fact, I liked the characters, the whole concept. The dialogue was well written. I mean, Vincent is an experienced writer, so of course it was written well.

But what kept me from finishing it, was the lack of a hold it held on me. A good half of the book is full of discussions. Between Kaylee and Nash (okay, I hate that name), Kaylee, Nash and Tod, Kaylee and her uncle, Tod and Kaylee, Kaylee and her aunt. Yada, yada, yada. An endless stream of conversations, all occurring in a few days. Not that they held no purpose, but if I had to reveal info, I'd do it in a much more pace efficient way.

So, from the 80% I'd finished, I found the characters developed and realistic. I kinda liked Kaylee (which is unusual because I usual never like MC) but I found Nash too good to be true. In fact, I was diggin' Tod. I'd love to see some more Tod! Speaking of romance, I hated the fact that Nash and Kaylee just "BAM" came together. I love watching the development between two people and I felt that Nash and Kaylee's development lacked.

I definitely want to finish this book. I just lack time and when I was sifting through the many things I have to do and read (for school) MY SOUL TO TAKE just didn't make the list. Some day, it will.

fallen_for_books30's review against another edition

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Awesome book!! From the start till the end. Nash was sexy and protective and Kaylee was just great. Would read hte next one soon :) Nash I am scrreaming for you... Noope you are not going to die ..I just like scrreaming :)

sophilozophy's review against another edition

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Kaylee is so sweet. You can't help, but love her. Her mother died when she was young and she hasn't seen her father since her death. She lives with her Aunt, Uncle and arrogant cousin. Something keeps happening to her and she doesn't understand why, just that when it happens somebody is about to die.

I loved this book. I'm banging my head against the wall (ouch!) for not realizing the obvious subject matter. In my defense, I don't know any other YA series about... what this book is about. It's a nice change to read about something other than the usual (vampires or werewolves).

poorashleu's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Nose in a Book

One of my BFFs recommended this to me, and here is the thing. I am very picky about the books I read when recommended by friends. What if I don’t love it the way they do? What if I hate it? What if said friend has horrible taste? Thankfully two of my BFFs don’t have horrible taste when it comes to books and I only trust them (there is a reason I am part of a book blog with one of said BFFs.) Anyhoo, My Soul To Take, I was very hesitant to start this book even after rave reviews and reading the synopsis. One day last week though I finally decided to start it, and hoo boy am I glad I did.

I loved it. I finished it in one sitting. I loved Kaylee and how she handled finding out that she is a banshee. I mean, really, how would you handle it if you were a teenager and you found out when you needed to scream, someone around you would die? Or how Nash helps her come to terms with who she is and how it helps her grow into a stronger version of herself. I think that Vincent had them come together almost too fast with little build up, but at the same time I am okay with that because so much happened in this book that the romance was almost never a main story line to me (I know! I know! I can’t believe I just said that either!) But so much other stuff is going on with her family and around school that I can see and can handle Vincent putting them together so quickly because they work together well as a team.

However, as much as I love this book I would not recommend the whole series. I read through book four, My Soul To Steal, and I am no longer invested in the characters as much as I was in My Soul To Take. At this point I’d be okay reading a synopsis on a website to get the highlights of what happens. I was very close to recommending this series to my friend when it was light and fluffy with a hint of drama. But now, to me it’s almost too much drama and not enough fun, to the point it is no longer fun to read. However, I do recommend the first book as a stand alone. It was excellent.

jacquelinec's review against another edition

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Loved it! I'm a fan of Rachel Vincent's Werecats series, so I'm glad to see that she has done such a great job translating to the YA genre.

Kaylee Cavanaugh, having been pawned off by her father following the death of her mother, lives with her Uncle Brendon, Aunt Val, and bratty cousin Sophie. Despite her unique home life, Kaylee is a great teen heroine: comfortable with who she is, yet not immune to typical teenage anxieties. She's the kind of girl that you could easily see as your best friend. Considering her family situation and the powers that she's only beginning to understand, she's pretty level-headed and well-adjusted too.

As an urban fantasy novel, this one fares well. Vincent uses classic mythology to shape the story of Kayle and her family and friends. Banshees, or bean sidhes as they are named in this novel, aren't as popular as vampires and shapshifters. When they are used, they always seem to be cast in the role of the dangerous or bad creatures. I enjoyed seeing Vincent handle them in a different light, as normal people with powers that can be used for good.

Kaylee deals with several issues throughout the course of the story. Whether adolescent in nature or supernatural, all of her problems ring true and are handled with aplomb by Vincent...

...To continue reading this review, visit my blog, The Eclectic Book Lover.

becs_l's review against another edition

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I have heard many good things about The Soul Screamers series. Many people appear to be loving it. I have to admit the main reasons I hadn't started this series earlier was because it wasn't widely available in book shops and I could never bring myself to order it online. I am always buying lots of books and My Soul to Take always got pushed to the bottom of the list. However I managed to find a copy really cheaply so I went for it to see what all the fuss was about. I'll be honest I didn't have very high expectations but I am not disappointed.

What I didn't know about this series before I started was that each book would be a different mystery. I thought it was one very long drawn out seven book series. So when the mystery was resolved at the end of the novel I was pleasantly surprised. I think this is what will ultimately make the series work. If this was one continuous story line I would have a lot more bones to pick with it. The main one being Kaylee and Nash's rapid relationship. I will get to that in a moment.

What kept me going through this book was the mystery. I just had to know who was causing the deaths of the young girls and what their connection was to Kaylee. It wasn't obvious and it wasn't very predictable. A few more clues would have been nice, I felt it was more accidental than anything else. I hope that the mysteries will get better as the series goes on.

I am intrigued by the paranormal world in this novel. Banshees are not something I have ever read about before. I am definitely open to all suggestions when it comes to the wailing females. I liked the differences between the males and females, and I hope that we have only just scratched the surface for what is to come.

Now for my niggles. There a few but they didn't seriously detract from my enjoyment. The main one as mentioned earlier, was the romantic relationship between Kaylee and Nash. It all happened way to fast, pretty much insta-love apart from the fact that they don't say they love each other... yet. There was no romantic tension or getting to know each other. One minute they are meeting the next they are snogging. I think that they should remain friends at this point and it should have developed over the series.

The next niggle was the lack of allowing the reader to piece things together themselves. Details about the paranormal world were spoon fed to you. I wish Kaylee discovered things more so we could too.

I surprisingly enjoyed this book and it was a quick and easy read. While I am not blown away, most people say that this series really picks up in book 3. Let's hope it does. I am looking forward to continuing the series especially since it ends this year.

eroof514's review against another edition

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I found myself taking a chance on this book when I ran out of new books to read. I can honestly say that I wasn't disappointed! I really enjoyed that this story had a storyline that dealt with the supernatural, but that also didn't deal with vampires. I lI've a good vampire read but it seems as though thats all you really get today. I liked that she was a banshee and she has to figure out what that means for her. I can't wait to continue this series I really enjoyed it!

madwonder's review against another edition

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For once, something that isn't about your normal everyday supernatural and paranormal spooks. I enjoyed this book to an extent. There were too many things in this book that I predicted really early on and I'm not a big fan of knowing before hand. I like reading something that throws a few shocks your way. There weren't any in this for me. The characters are pretty decent and its always nice to throw in a bit of a love story. It is however lacking the romance and tension that I normally enjoy. Kaylee and Nash didn't seem to waste any time before they were considered a couple. 5 minutes after eyes locking, all of a sudden feelings emerged. I like them together but I would have liked a bit more time and for them to get to know about each other before that happened. It's worth the read but I am hoping there are some more intriguing developments in the next books.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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WOW, this was a totally awesome book! I loved how Kaylee dealt with her new self, and how she grew and took charge of herself and her situation.

Nash is great - I really hope that they WILL be able to have a long and happy life, and that Kaylee's dad will be able to accept all that will come his way as well.

I really didn't appreciate Sophie, though, totally spoiled girl, with little emphaty for others. Val scared me - but at the same time, she incarnated the kind of woman that there actually are plenty of in the real world, not just in the soulscreamer world! Way to go in order to try to stay forever young.

Poor Tod! I feel bad for him, but I have a feeling he will be around in the next books to wreak some havoc, both on Kaylee and on Nash.

And I could totally see Kaylee's dad and Harmony hooking up in the future :D

nannasa16's review against another edition

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mi piace.
l'aspetto meno gradevole è senza dubbi la storia d'amore tra Kay e Nash, è un po' troppo affrettata però ho amato la trama e la fantasia della storia, ci sono un sacco di fattori diversi ma è di facile comprensione.
E poi amoh il padre di Kay e Tod. (Ma se shippo Tod/Kay succede qualcosa di grave? c.c)