
Rebel Wing by Tracy Banghart

multicoloredbookreviews's review against another edition

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After the first couple chapters, I didn't have very high hopes for this book.
It seemed to be yet another dystopian with a lovestruck, googly eyed, spineless heroine (the worst kind imo). Also it jumped POVs between characters that had nothing to do with our MC. I don't really like POV jumps unless it's between the main couple, I just feel like it makes the story line unnecessarily choopy.
BUT! I was monumentally wrong to judge it so quickly! Just from the first few paragraphs it was obvious Tracy Banghart knew what she was doing. I complained in my last reviews that the series I was reading, read like mediocre fanfiction (the premise was really good; the execution, not no much). That was so not the case with this book! Instantly I knew I was reading a carefully written, carefully thought out story. The feelings and sensations she was trying to evoke came out loud and clear, the descriptions where poetically spot on and all the problems the MC faced, felt authentic and trying. I wish all books were this well written.
The growth Aris, the MC, went through felt so real. I strained and persevered right alongside her. Again, I wish more characters were this carefully developed.
I don't really have a clear picture in my head as to what Aris looks like, the only thing I know for sure is that her hair is wavy and auburn and that she's short. And strangely enough, it doesn't bother me all that much that I can't picture her. What did bother me, was that I kept imagining Major Vidar as a dude in his late 30's (kinda like Wolf from the TV show The Last Ship), when I knew for a fact he was described as being twenty-one years old, with light skin and light blue eyes (later on it also says he's blonde). And since I couldn't get the first image out of my head, I had to do a quick google image search, so I could put a more appropriate face to the young Major.
This is what I settled on him looking like:
Major Vidar
I mean, I know the book said he wasn't handsome, but I can't help picturing all romantic interest as guys I'd be attracted to.
I can't wait to see how this story continues now that
Spoilerwomen are openly allowed to volunteer for Military. Plus I need some kind of reunion between Aris and Milek (yeah, Major Vidar was actually Milek Vadim, son of the Ward of Ruslana), there was some seriously hot unresolved sexual tension there, and everything was left up in the air in this book.

kate_farber's review against another edition

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Light and sweet. Sure, it's not Man Booker or Hugo material, but sometimes you just want a nice, solid story about a girl overcoming the odds.

iamrainbou's review against another edition

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*Reading challenge 2015: #35 Libro ambientado en el futuro.

Hay algunas cosas que no me terminan de gustar peeero eso ahora ni me importa; una de las mejores (¿o la mejor?) distopia YA que he leído. GENIAL. Creo que el world-building confuso y poco explicado se salva con los personajes: con Aris y Galena mejor dicho. Dos protagonistas definidas, fuertes, complejas, con situaciones que las ponen al límite y con las que es fácil simpatizar y querer.

El cambio, el crecimiento de Aris es increíble. No lo sentí forzado y súper apresurado, me pasó como a ella, no me di cuenta lo mucho que había cambiado hasta que me paré y lo pensé.
No puedo explicarles lo mucho que amé cuando dejó a Calix, aunque al principio su relación me parecía normal, llegó un punto que me parecía agobiante, sobreprotectora. Y que Aris hiciera lo que cualquier persona debería hacer, a mi parecer, cuando una relación no es ya ni sana ni buena para ninguna de las dos partes, es admirable. Admirable porque en general las protagonistas YA ignoran estas situaciones, romantizandolas y normalizandolas. Y porque Melic es mil veces mejor que Calix, pero esa no es la parte importante, por supuesto que no.

La amistad de Aris y Dysis me gustó mucho, se siente sincera y real, y sobretodo, sus interacciones no giran únicamente en chicos y relaciones amorosas.

Me encantó, mucho, muchísimo. Necesito la segunda parte, que espero esté muchísimo mejor que este libro.

rimareads's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book! I enjoyed the journey the main character went on a lot and though that the story was fairly engaging. Overall, it was a good read but nothing super special.

rimareads's review

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I enjoyed this book! I enjoyed the journey the main character went on a lot and though that the story was fairly engaging. Overall, it was a good read but nothing super special.

jamiebooksandladders's review

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See this review and more on Books and Ladders!

I really enjoyed this one. Lots of political commentary and a good understanding of what it means to be human - and female. I liked all the characters and that it didn’t feel hokey like some of these novels tend to do.

bookcaptivated's review

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I had such a hard time with the beginning of this book because of the romance. The main character, Aris, was willing to give up everything for the man she loved. I was not ok with that. A review from Publishers Weekly promised, "a gripping page-turner, with gender roles and identity explored and questioned at every turn." I decided to keep reading because of that and it got so much better! By the end of the book I was cheering Aris on! I do believe I will continue this series to see where she goes next.

Thank you to Tracy for sending me a copy for review.

prationality's review

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All. My. Love. THIS is the book I wanted when I read THE ACADEMY. A heroine who grew and backed up the praise given to her. A hero who UNDERSTOOD and supported her. Comrades who pushed her as much as aided her. Sociopolitical talk that made sense.

So heartily recommended. Read now. And forgive Aris her angst at first, she comes to realize she's so much more in the end.

kerribookhoarder's review

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4.5 stars. I freaking loved this book. :D

Edit: The sequel to this is coming out in a month, just as an fyi!

Do you like Mulan? Do you like stories about women fighting against the expectations that society has for them, and proving that they can kick ass and take names with the best man out there? Do you like to read about strong, stubborn women who keep fighting even when it's hard? Do you like books about intrigue and war?

If you do, then this is a book you should check out.

Aris is a girl from a small village, looking forward to her Selection when it'll be decided what area of work she'll go into. She's in love with a boy named Calix, and she's sure that when they're both selected, they'll be Promised to each other and have the happily ever after that she's always dreamed of. Although their country is in conflict with another, that seems distant and she tries to ignore it.

Instead of her happy ending, though, Aris gets surprises and disappointment. Instead of being selected for the area that she wants, Aris is selected for something else - and worst of all, Calix is selected for Military, which means that he'll be sent away, with no guaranteed return time. It's everything she didn't want - and everything the man who offered her a job hidden in the Military had told her would happen.

Hard as the decision is for her, Aris knows that she can't stay in her little village. Driven by the need to be with Calix, she makes the choice to go and fight. If she can be near him, they can be promised and eventually come home together, and isn't that what she's always wanted?

It's not as simple as that, though, because to join the military in the first place, Aris has to undergo grueling training, pass physical tests and then, on top of that, disguise herself as a man. In her society women are viewed as vitally important and 'essential' they're forbidden to fight, their roles confined to the home or jobs that are 'safe', far away from any danger.

Away from the peaceful bubble of her village, though, Aris realises the truth - her country is involved in a war with a neighbouring country, and as a brilliant wingjet pilot, she's not going to be on the sidelines. She's sucked right into the heart it all, and on the way she learns about her society and most importantly, herself.

I won't lie, I loved this book for feminist reasons. How could I NOT when it has lines like this:

"Shouldn't women decide what they'll allow for their own bodies, not a government acting out an antiquated, unnecessary law?"

"I do this because I believe a woman should have the right to fight and die for her dominion, just like any man."

It's not just about feminism, though. It's about a person being restricted and confined to certain expectations by everyone - lover, family, society - and growing beyond those and realising that she's grown beyond those. As many times as Aris doubts what she's doing and thinks that she will fail, she keeps fighting. She's determined and stubborn and proud and that makes her story a joy to read. There's a touch of romance, too, and Aris' growth is closely tied with that, and I really liked her arc throughout the book.

All of this is set against a backdrop of deception and intrigue as we switch point of views between Aris and Galena, the leader of the country. She too is standing up against people who wish that she'd back down and go along with them, and ultimately their stories twine together and they are crucially important to each other.

I really hope this book gets more attention and buzz, because it deserves it.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

tracybanghart's review

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This book is so special to me...I wrote the first draft when my husband was deployed for a year to a war zone. Aris and this story were born out of my longing and worry for him...and my desire to be with him, no matter the cost.

The story became about so much more than that, though. Questions of identity, political accountability, how far a person will go to do the right thing....and how far they'll go for the people they love.

I hope you enjoy!