
Enchantment by Charlotte Abel

erencich's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Doodle's Book Blog

Charlotte Abel blew me away with this well-written, enticing, and very descriptive story. Unlike most books I read, I had no clue how it would end.

Channie Kerns is a sixteen year old mage who is forced to leave the only home she has ever known. Her father has blood on his hands and is running away to save everyone they know. They end up in Louisville, Colorado where Channie draws a group of "empties" attention. Her father catches her and decides to change her name. Then she meets Josh and it all goes downhill from there.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Channie is very strong-headed and doesn't accept change well. Her parents felt she needed a new name to protect her when in reality the name change would not only hurt her, but themselves as well. She begins to resent them and does what she wants, when she wants. Especially when it comes to Josh, an empty. He is level-headed and protective of Channie, but can't help his lustful feelings towards her. Their relationship starts out with a zap but turns into so much more. Then one night she tries to break free of her new name, her curse.

What I really liked about this book was the description. I was laughing throughout most of the book with a few hiccups of disappointment and dread for what was to come, but was overall excited for how the book ended when I finally got there. There was only one thing I really didn't care for and that was the use of foul language. However, after the first few chapters the language was no longer a problem.

Overall, I found this book to be a good read and I look forward to picking up book two, Taken.

FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.

halynah's review against another edition

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Well, the book was pretty interesting, offbeat, exciting and with many great characters. I can't say I'm crazy about protagonists - they annoyed me with all their trying to break the curse and childish behaviour, but I adored the triplets and loved all the names of the characters. As for Channie's parents - no comments, they take notion of dysfunctional family at a whole new level! Still, I enjoyed the book and will see, what happens in the sequel.

redentrapy's review against another edition

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This book was hard for me to get into. In the beginning I would have given it a 2 but the twist at the end of the book pushed it up to a 3. The twist at the end of the book took me by surprise I wasn't expecting it.

Plot: This book is about a girl mage named Enchantment (aka Channie) whose father ends up owing a blood debt to the Veyjivik clan after a bet went awry. The Veyjivik's want to hunt down his entire family. They go into hiding. But Channie's parents are worried that her power-name Enchantment will get her in trouble with boys so they change her power name to Chastity. Now every time Enchantment gets too close to a boy with lustful feelings she curses them. Only problem is she's fallen in love with a boy named Josh and the only way to be with him is to break Chastity's hold on her which can only be done with the help of the Book of the Dead the most dangerous and powerful spell book. She will have to sacrifice everything to be with Josh. The only question is will she? The plot was a great and original concept but it wasn't executed right. It was slow, repetitive, and down right boring at times. The ending was good though. It was strong and interesting. The book was choppy and made no sense at all in places. Most of the book was about how Channie and Josh couldn't touch and them complaining about it. 80% of the book was like that and it got old after a while.

Now my biggest problem with this book was the characters. All the characters were underdeveloped and shallow. All of the characters were choppy also. Channie's character was the worst. She was shallow and her reason for doing things in places made no sense. She didn't change, she was spoiled and most of the time I couldn't stand her. Her parents also made no sense. Why change her name to a DARK power-name obviously that would make her worse? Also her interaction with her parents seemed a little flat me. I couldn't feel her wanting to rebel against them all I felt was that she was indifferent to them. Josh was a good character though. I did enjoy him and Elijah quite a bit.

nkiddbooks's review against another edition

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Liked the concept, liked the story. Got me to read the second one.

librocubicularist_reads's review against another edition

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The story revolves around Channie, who's a mage (the socially acceptable term for a witch) whose power name is Enchantment. Every mage is given a power name which reflects their personality & also influences their magic. Channie's father is a compulsive gambler & when a bet goes wrong, some very powerful mages are after the whole family as revenge. This forces Channie's family to move in a rush without saying goodbye to any of their friends or family.

On their first night in Colorado, Channie innocently flirts with some boys using her power of Enchantment & her parents decide to change her power name to Chastity. Chastity's power is hostile, especially in comparison to her previous power. She's devastated by the loss of Enchantment's power! She decides to test her new power on two boys in the park next to her house & it turns out that her new powers are like an electric shot to any boy with feelings of lust. This obviously puts a huge damper on her blooming love for Josh, the boy she kissed in the park.

Channie & Josh fall deeper in love & try to find a way to overcome Chastity's power because they can't even kiss. They find a dark spell book that leads them on a quest to break the curse of Chastity, sometimes with disastrous results.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story & I'm really looking forward to the next book!

noetical's review

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WOW…Exceptional start to a promising series. While this installment left me itching to start the next, I also found myself profoundly satisfied with the full arc of this novel as a standalone book. That's hard to do in a series. I'm already reading the next book: "[b:Taken|13432313|Taken (Channie, #2)|Charlotte Abel||18931225]," as I missed author [a:Charlotte Abel|4962823|Charlotte Abel|]'s idiosyncratic characters the moment I finished "Enchantment."

mrose21's review

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Not for me.
The way this is written is just horrible to read and I'm not enjoying this at all, so I'm chucking the towel in and giving up.

alexandriatp's review against another edition

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The beginning of this book was a little slow for me but I really liked it after they moved and she met Josh.

There was a good plot, and even though I guessed at the end, I wasn't completely sure it would happen.

What I really liked about the book was the characters, they definitely had strong personalities of their own. They were very believable and they grew, which is always important!

I kept picturing the Channie and Josh as younger, probably because Channie calls her parents Mommy and Daddy still. So when they kept talking about sex, and it's a HUGE part of this book, I was a little shocked. The characters are around 18 though so it makes sense that it would be a big topic. Their love was so cute and it was fun to watch.

I will definitely be reading the next book!

wildflowerz76's review against another edition

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Gym Reading, aka free or super cheap on the Kindle.

I'm honestly not sure how I got through this book. The beginning started out okay, but I loathed all the characters. Channy and Josh were both EXTREMELY immature for their ages. I get the raging hormone thing, but this went way beyond that. They continually made asinine decisions that even the thickest teenager would have avoided. They were constantly jealous of each other (which I get), but acting on it in the most extreme of ways (which I don't get). Channy's parents were horrible, horrible people. Her sister was as dumb as a box of rocks. I suppose Josh's family was okay, but I got conflicting messages about him. When Channy first goes to school, doesn't she describe his bike as looking some something cobbled together from spare parts? She makes it sound like it probably belongs to a kid with not much money at all. And there are a few other things said later on that allude to this, though there are a lot of things that would point the other way. Then I realized that his parents were divorced and maybe some of the things were coming from his dad, but then they talked about what sounded like a very tricked out media room in his mom's basement. Also, if he's so awesome at riding bikes, why does his bike look so cheaply put together?

In the end, I struggled to finish this one. And *SPOILER* I can't end this review without mentioning the fact that all they had to do to break the Chastity curse was to get married....and that's exactly what they ended up doing in the end, except now Channy's without magic at all. Idiot teenagers.