
La Reine des Immortels by Maryline Beury, AimƩe Carter

fallen_for_books30's review against another edition

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I love it! I love it! I love it!! Awesome book. wow...I just can't believe that it would be so good. S much action, tension and Persophene....She is in this book. You will want to kill her and understand her like Kate does. I love Kate. She is brave, forgiving and everything a good queen should be. She is open with her feelings and she asks instead of just assuming just stupid things. I know she had doubts but she is courageous as I already told and she knows what she wants and goes after it.

Henry is hot and caring and loving person in his own way. But I so so so wanted to kill him for what he did in this book. He was more complex in this book and that to due to his ex wife back.

There are more secrets, action and conspiracy in this book and with the cliffhanger I need to read the third book soon!!

carteremma's review against another edition

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I was so excited to read this book as the first book had really taken me by surprise. I didn't think I was going to like the Goddess Test, but it became clear to me within a couple of pages that I was going to love it! So after enjoying the first book so much I was excited to read the second. I was a little worried that it would fall into the usual pitfall of the second book not living up to the expectations set by a great first book. I should not have worried!!

After marrying Henry, Kate left for a summer vacation, with James, before she returns to live in the underworld with Henry for the winter. Within a couple of days of being in the underworld, all of the Gods are attacked by the only thing strong enough to kill them, a titan. Calliope is working with the titan to exact her revenge on the Gods and Goddesses that agreed to her punishment for trying to kill Kate. After Henry and some of the other Gods are kidnapped, Kate has to go and ask for help from Persephone, the woman she is trying to live up to.

Kate has won the Goddess test and is now Henry's wife. She now lives with him in the underworld for at least 6 months a year, but she is still incredibly insecure. What bugged me about Kate in this book was how insecure about her relationship with Henry he was. she never stops to see anything from his point of view and try to understand how it looks to him. She is married for 5 minutes and then runs off to Greece with James, and fails to see how this might look to Henry. I think most of her angst in this book could have been solved by a little bit of reflection on her part and it may have stopped her being quite so paranoid about Persephone. On the other hand I loved how determined she was to help and thought that some of her enthusiasm was endearing!

I also liked learning more about the other Gods and seeing how they prepared themselves for battle. I thought that as usual this had a good story line and kept me wanting to know what was coming next. The world created for the underworld was well thought out and I could imagine it easily and picture myself walking there with Kate and Persephone.

I found that I had finished the book faster than I thought I would and I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what comes next and I hope that Kate finds her feet in her relationship with Henry and stops being so paranoid all the time.

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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I was going to hold off on buying this book for a few weeks. My to-read pile is enormous at the moment (I have two full shelves in my bookcase to read and donā€™t get me started on all the kindle books I have waiting for me).

But when I was in a store and saw the Australian cover? I couldnā€™t help myself! Itā€™s gorgeous! I love the font, the coloursā€¦ itā€™s beautiful! I bought it straight awayā€¦ (Hi. My name is Kate and Iā€™m a bookaholicā€¦ and Iā€™m only half-way joking. I went out to buy milk last weekā€¦ came home with 4 new books)

The story starts with Kate returning from her summer in Greece with James (otherwise known as Hermes). But things arenā€™t how sheā€™d imagined them to be. There was no happy reunion with Henry (Hades) and one of the original Titans, Cronus, has started to break free from the prison that the six original gods had sentenced him to thousands of years ago. It seems that Calliope (Hera) wasnā€™t happy with the punishment Kate bestowed upon her last winter ā€“ and sheā€™s out for revenge.

The only way Kate can think to help the Original Six in their efforts to try to fight Cronus and Calliope is to track down the gate to the prison. The only problem is that the only person apart from Henry who knows that secret location is his former wife, Persephone. Considering Kate is already suffering from jealous issues regarding the former Queen of the Underworld, you can tell this isnā€™t going to be an easy journey.

I enjoyed this novel so much more than I liked the first one in the series, The Goddess Test. I felt I got the know the characters and the motivations behind their actions a lot more in this one ā€“ maybe itā€™s because now we were in on the secret of just who each of the members of Henryā€™s family were.

Kateā€™s struggling with a lot of things in this novel; her place in Henryā€™s life, her new job as co-ruler of the Underworld, the whole Persephone issue, James ā€“ not to mention the whole Calliope wanting her dead and not caring who she has to hurt or kill to achieve it. All things considered, I think she handles her new position in life rather well. There are times when she came across a bit like a petulant child but I think thatā€™s understandable. In terms of the gods and goddess, her lifespan is barely a heartbeat of theirs. They have thousands of years of experience and habits on their side and she has a mere nineteen. In all respects she is a child in their world. But she manages to grow as a person and a character as the novel develops.

I like Kate and her conversations with Henry in the latter part of the novel. I loved that she was staking her claim on her man! But there were times when I felt she took it a little too far ā€“ from assertive Goddess! to a little too whiny and too insecure for words. But she managed to come back from it ā€“ ā€œI never would have gone looking for something better. You are my something better, and I wish ā€“ I wish I was yours, too.ā€

Ingrid was a pleasant surprise. Sheā€™s delightfully cheerful and up-beat whilst also being incredibly insightful and shows a wisdom beyond her years.

Another surprise for me was how much I liked Calliope as a villain. Sheā€™s good at what she does. I swear I could almost hear the evil theme music whenever she would appear on the scene. Her dialogue was perfect too.

The plot was well paced and interesting. The novel does end on a bit of a cliff-hanger but leads in well to the next in the series. Iā€™m definitely going to be continuing reading these books.

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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RECEIVED FROM: Net Galley For Review


Kate has returned to the Underworld ready to spend the winter with Henry and become queen, but when she arrives she finds everything isnā€™t occurring as she expects it. Henry is more distant now than when they met. Calliope has awakened Cronus and the gods will soon go to war. And when the remaining five not turned traitor are kidnapped the only person Kate can turn to for help is the one person she most fear. The one person whose shadow sheā€™s lived in since the day she was born ā€“ Persephone. But will her older sister even help her and if she does will that be enough?

The first thing Iā€™ll admit is that I probably should give this novel a higher rating, however the ending made me so angry I canā€™t do it. As far as Iā€™m concerned October and the next novel in the series cannot get here fast enough. I donā€™t have the patience for open ended novels, but thatā€™s my main qualm with this one. There were other little things like some of the battle scenes that you donā€™t really get to witness which Iā€™d like to have had more details in. And though I see why this was written mostly in the first person, in a way Iā€™d like to have seen a close third through the whole book instead because Iā€™m dying to know whatā€™s going on in Cronusā€™s head as well as Henryā€™s. Like the first novel in the series the opening of the book is in the third person showing us Calliopeā€™s first meeting with Cronus, after that weā€™re in a first person narrative with Kate. While this point of view was beneficial in many ways because thereā€™s no way she could have offered that much swamping emotion in a third person, it was also detrimental in that thereā€™s a lot of key characters in this story whose point of view would have enhanced it. Like Cronus, Henry and Persephone for starters. While the book offers a somewhat full story arc, finishing up one plot line before the ending, itā€™s part of a larger story arc which doesnā€™t complete at the end of this novel, on top of that it opens a whole new twist on the last pages, that if youā€™re anything like me makes you want to scream when you read it. This well written story leaves its predecessors in the dust in action, excitement and even emotion wrenching scenes. From page one this is a story that grips you and wonā€™t let you go until you reach its stunning conclusion. With the exception of getting mad at the end I absolutely loved this novel and itā€™s one of the best Iā€™ve read this year.

The characterization was much better than in series debut. Kate whoā€™s obviously well developed brings us so much more in this novel and the way her emotions wrap around the reader is just stunning. You can feel every heart break, taste every tear and disappointment and you cling to hope just as strongly as Kate does even though everything is falling apart around her. We see different sides to James and Henry, both showing new depth in this novel as secrets and hurts from the past come to the surface. Walter was a prominent character with excellent development as well as Calliope, Ava and Diana. The latest introduction of Persephone was well developed and easy to dislike even if you did get a lot of her whys for her behavior. Cronus has barely scratched the surface, we get an idea of him and the hint of something more as well. As horrible as he seems as the villain of the novel, I canā€™t think that heā€™s all bad. Iā€™d say heā€™s powerful, angry, misguided and powerful. But more than anything else Iā€™d say heā€™s lonely and hurt which is why he develops such an interest in Kate. Calliope may want Kate dead, but my personal belief if that neither her enemies nor her current ally are going to let that happen. With what weā€™ve seen it leaves me curious as to what is going to occur between these characters in future novels. Some characters were still a little bit of background, but with so many itā€™s difficult for them not to be, however they no longer blend together as they did before.

Overall this book is highly recommend, itā€™s not a novel to be missed. However, I will say that you might want to wait until the third book comes out and buy both at the same time. If youā€™re anything like me having an answer to that ending right away might make the experience of reading the novel much more enjoyable. Then again patience is a virtue that skipped me in the gene pool.

raquelzc's review against another edition

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Kate Winter's life continues in this sequel. As if immortality with the God of the Underworld who just so happens to display feelings like a rock, a dead rock, wasn't enough, now the Titans are back, and with the help of one special God whom I hate like so much, Calliope.

So thus the adventures in the Underworld continue, with Kate venturing into the depths of it to find the worst person a girl, who's a second wife, would like to meet: the first wife. And it just so happens that the first wife is her older sister, Persephone, AKA, the girl who broke Henry's heart.

I don't wanna give out some major spoilers, but man, that ending kept me bitting my nails. I expected the novel to end with Kate and Ava marching out of Eden Manor, but with a third book published, that's not the case.

poorashleu's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Nose in A Book

Oh this book. I waited patiently for it, even though I just read the first book. This book picks up six months after the last one ended, with Kate going back to Henry and the Underworld. Things of course stand in the way of Kate and Henryā€™s happiness. Mostly Kate and Henry! But there is also fighting, other people, and more fighting. Lots of fighting, which was actually nice in a YA book. Iā€™ve read too many fluffy YA books lately, and Carter can write an awesome fight scene.

Clear pet peeve of the book: Kate and her need for Henryā€™s attention and affections. Stop being Bella Swan, Kate! Youā€™re a kick-ass woman who is slowly finding her way! I get that you want him to state how much he loves and adores you but things donā€™t always work out that way. (And now Tina, is laughing at me) Yes, things work out and Iā€™m happy for Kate and Henry, but when she was whiny? Man, I wanted to slap her, or throw the book across the room. Of course this was a library book and I couldnā€™t throw it without fear of damaging it.

No really, I spent most of the book wanting to shove Kate and Henry in a room and go ā€œWORK OUT YOUR ISSUES.ā€ They did work out their issues of course, but it took awhile (90% of the book.) In the meantime however, Kate went on an underworld journey with two of her friends that ends up shaping herself in the long run, which was nice.

Even with my pet peeve of the book, I still recommend it, especially if youā€™ve read the first now. Now, Iā€™m waiting for the third and final book in the series (not just because there was a cliffhanger with this book)

I am also torn on how many stars to give the book. Iā€™m a believer in the half star and this is one I think that needed it.

mettejaspers's review against another edition

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adventurous hopeful mysterious medium-paced


jennifervu's review against another edition

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Just to clarify, three stars is "Liked it" which I most certainly did!

This sequel was good, even better than the prequel! This book was an easy read that left me yearning for more! But, there were glaring plot holes and mistakes that can't be ignored. Everything was going in the right direction but the plot, romance, and characters were so undeveloped.

So many important events were explained in a single sentence. You couldn't SEE what happened, you were told. Like Henry said, "We managed to trap him." (It was not said like that exactly but very similar) How did Henry manage to trap him? Things like that frustrated me and I was left questioning so many things. Plus, in the story, the characters jumped from one scene to the next without any explanation about how they got to the new setting.

Hmm... the romance. I'm kind of speechless right now, not in a good way. Let's see... there was so much room for improvement in the romance department. I felt that Henry and Kate were their own obstacles in their relationship. Henry was not forthcoming and Kate was too pushy. They really weren't a good couple. There wasn't any chemistry between them and I'm still confused WHY they love each other. Their relationship is more physical than emotional. They barely interact yet when they do, they automatically "tie the knot." A relationship should not subsist on sex. (There, I said it.) Throughout the entire book, Kate was complaining about how Henry wasn't touching her. I wanted to climb into the book and slap her across the country. No woman should ever beg a man to touch her. That's just pathetic- I'm sorry. And in another scene, Aimee Carter put, "We talked and laughed." WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT? I don't want to be told, I want it to be SHOWN to me. Sigh.

And the characters. I feel like the ancient god/modern god made the story so confusing. The family dynamics were so different and difficult to understand! I can't even explain how... Anyway, a lot of characters frustrated me! Including: Kate, Henry, Ava, James, Calliope, Walter, Ella, Theo, Persephone, Adonis, and more. That's pretty much all of them. I disliked all of the characters in this book because of their negative attitudes. It was annoying. I feel like characters are an important part of stories and if the characters (even the villains) aren't likable, then the story isn't enjoyable.

The writing was nice, although I wish it would get more descriptive! Also, I wish everything could... flow better. But definitely, the most fatal flaw has to be the lack of description.

Despite so many things lacking in this sequel, I did enjoy the story as a whole, not so much the characters and writing itself. :)

goodbetterbetsy's review against another edition

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I really like this series. I like Kate and Henry a lot. We pick up six months after The Goddess Test ended. Kate is heading back to the Underworld after spending her six months above ground. She's really excited about being married the Henry and can't wait to see him again. She's Immortal, married, and inheriting new powers that she has no idea how to use. But on top of that, when she arrives in the Underworld, Henry isn't there to greet her. And when she does finally see him, he seems less than enthusiastic. Things are not going the way Kate expected at all. Then everyone finds out Calliope has gone insane, wants to kill Kate and release Cronus from his prison. Oh, and Henry's ex-wife (and Kate's sister) Persephone is back in the picture

While parts of this story did drag (I'm sorry, I was more interested in the Kate/Henry dynamic than what was going to happen with Cronus and Calliope), the end was really good and I cannot wait for the next book. I love Mythology and I really like Aimee Carter's twist on the Greek myths.

sara_evaney's review against another edition

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This book could have been good, the story was interesting enough: Hera awakens the Titan Cronus who then tries to destroy the earth.
The problem was that we had to read it from Kate's point of view and Kate only cares about Kate and Henry. And of course she was too new and weak to actually fight, so in the few action filled parts of the story we got to see the very interesting part of Kate sitting at home crying because Henry didn't love her.
But at that point she had already told us eleven billion times that she doesn't think Henry loves her, but that she would never cheat on him anyway, because the bad, bad Persephone did that! You know, if it takes your husband nine months to kiss you after you MARRIED him, maybe you should just leave him!
I know he (and everybody else) says that he loves Kate and he just can't show it, but that isn't believable at all. There is also no reason for Kate to really love him.
I liked Persephone, but I'm not sure if I can take another book of Kate whining because she's jealous of everyone, so I don't know yet if I'll continue the series. I want to find out where the story is gonna go, especially with the cliff hanger ending (which I guessed fifty pages earlier, at least part of it ^^), but can I take more Kate and Henry?