
Untamed: A Thoughtless Novel by S. C. Stephens

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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I loved the romance in this book and the sexual chemistry throughout. It was well written and really kept my attention through the whole book. I loved the pitfalls that they had to overcome and the progress they made together. I think it fell short of my expectations since I enjoyed the other books so much.

jgilge's review against another edition

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**Copy provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

So after reading the rest of this series, I never thought that I could like Griffin. I mean, I didn't hate him in the other books, but he was crass and annoying. Yet in this book, I was actually rooting for him by the end.

At least for me, a lot of this book was just painful to read. It felt awkward and I was embarrassed for Griffin and it made me cringe. I mean, just he just did so much stupid shit and the way he acted was pathetic.

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This one had a much different vibe to it than Kellan and Kiera's books. Which was nice, there wasn't so much angst and stupid drama.

I'm also ridiculously happy that this ended on a happy note, it was pretty cute. It's worth the read if you already like the series, but if you aren't super invested, don't bother.

Check out the full review at Bookaholic Raves

sim_96's review against another edition

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Okay, so I did the worst thing ever and started this book before reading any of the others in the series. I don’t really know if reading the others would have helped at all with liking this book.
From the get go Griffin was annoying, too cocky and full of himself, he’s immature, does what he wants and acts like a guy without a wife for pretty much 80% of the book.
Anna came across as a doormat until about Halfway through the book when she finally said something.
I skim read most of the book because it was boring, drawn out and none of the characters appealed to me in any way.

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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This book was amazing. I didn't know where S.C. was going to take Griffin's story because there is only so much you can do with a plot like the D-Bags, but she delivered and she delivered, HARD.

Stephens is pretty much known for her angst. Her Thoughtless series had me in a big old pile of angst and I never hated a character as much as I did Kiera, but I LOVED the series so much, I couldn't put it down. This continuation was no different.

I couldn't tell if I felt sorry for Griffin or if I wanted to murder his balls because he was being such a narcissistic shithead!!!

Being inside his head was almost painful, I wanted out; jump ship and into someone who had their shit together because he was a hot mess!

I was rooting for him and then I was praying he would crash and burn, I didn't know which one was more prevalent, but I did know something major was going to happen, it had to happen in order for change to be made.

The only way Griffin could really grow was to be stripped of everything he was and fight his way back, but at the same time, I loved his "give no shits" personality, I didn't want him to change too much. At one point while I was reading, I had to peek in the back because the stress was STRESSING me OUT! I couldn't take it and I wanted to see what was going to happen.

I was satisfied where this book ended, and even if I wanted to chop Griff's penis off and feed it to him because of how much of a douche he was being, I liked the life lessons that were taught in the storyline and the way the story unraveled was anxiety-ridden, but it made the ending so much sweeter.

There were a lot of surprises and the story did not evolve how I thought it would, which made it so much better!

This is seriously one of the BEST books I have read this year and you will not be disappointed in Griff's story! It is original and a lot of twists that will leave you in a big pile of goo or angst.

I give this a 5"I fucking hate to love Griffin" Stars!!

nannyf's review against another edition

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Wow wow wow, I absolutely devoured this book. I went to bed to read this book, and before I knew it I had finished it, at 12.40am! I honestly couldn't put it down once I started.

I loved the first three books in this series and couldn't wait to read all about Griffin and Anna.

Griffin is a law unto himself. He doesn't care about anything or anyone other than himself. Actually that's not quite right. He cares about his wife, Anna, and his daughter Gibson, plus the baby on its way. He has his little family all set. But this isn't the only family he has. He also has his musical brothers, the D-Bags.

Griffin should be one of the happiest guys in the world, but he's not. He feels like he is being treated badly by his band members. He has been standing in the background for too long, and he wants his well earned chance at the front of the stage. He doesn't want to be known as the other member of the band any more. He wants his taste of the limelight.

However things don't go as planned when his dreams are shot down by the guys, not wanting to change the layout which is working so well for them. Griffin takes it badly, and let's just say all hell breaks loose from then on.

Griffin makes decisions on the spur of the moment, decisions which mean huge changes for not only him but every member of his family, both near and far.

The lengths he goes to will shock some, but he always stays the same old Griffin, cocky and totally sure of himself. So what happens when he loses something he holds very dear, when he starts becoming unsure of his own decisions, and is left to deal with some pretty harsh truths being thrown at him?

I love how things go when he decides to make up for his past mistakes. The story takes a brilliant turn which totally turns everything I thought I knew about Griffin on its head.

Brilliantly written, great characterisation and a perfect story to add to the series.

thebookwormofnotredame's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I missed Kellan and that's the only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars. It was perfect and amazing. I want to read more about my d-bags, my boys. I want to read more about Kellan. It really is an amazing book.

kingsqueen27's review against another edition

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Griffin has always been too much to handle, which is why I was reluctant to start this. I'm glad I gave it a chance and got to see his evolution into a semi-decent human being.

aschae's review against another edition

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Oh, Griffin... (smh). First off, I am a HUGE fan of the Thoughtless series. This is one of my all-time TOP favorite series. SC Stephens has a way of writing that brings you so close to the characters that you feel as if you know them personally. I was completely caught up emotionally in this series from day one and I still carry it with me. It's almost scary his much this series affected me... I was so overly sensitive to their thoughts and feelings, it was as if I was experiencing it firsthand. This most recent addition was no exception. On a personal note, this was a very tough book for me to read as the overall theme hit very close to home for me. Watching the lies and deceit flow so easily from Griffin was very hard to stomach. His snowball of bad decisions was painful to watch, for him, Anna and the girls and for the rest of the band and family. I love the D-Bags but always saw Griffin as that annoying friend that you just can't help but love and hate. I found him incredibly annoying at times and hearing it all from his POV was interesting as you saw that he did truly justify his actions.. in his own Griffin kinda way. As frustrating as it was at times, making me want to smack the $hit out of him, he was easier to understand. In the end, he rectified himself in a way that I never thought Id seem, nor did anyone else!? We all got to finally see out Hulk grown up. He's still there, just in controlled doses.. ;-) His relationship with Anna and the girls was beautiful to witness.. we really got to see a whole other side to him. This book tore me up, left me hanging at moment, scared to death and made me bawl my eyes out... Yet another masterpiece form SC Stephens.. surely not to be missed!

planningwithgrammy's review against another edition

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how this got 4 stars I don't know. The author ruined this character. And she says it's her favorite. He was annoying in the trilogy but redeemed himself a few times. But in this book 70% is ruining him. Whiney, selfish, annoying even the sex was poorly written. I forced myself to finish just so I could get the info on other members of the band. It was so painful to read.

cherryredsreads's review against another edition

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totally enjoyed this book! I was waiting to here all about Griffin's story and the author delivered! I enjoyed seeing Griffin come into his own in this book and i was not expecting the urn out of what Griffin decided to do. Anna was his support and Griffin was lucky to have Anna be there for him.