
The Best Medicine by Elizabeth Hayley

cherryredsreads's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book!

This book had a great mix of humor, sexiness, emotions that flooded the pages.  I could not put this book down.  Once I started I could not wait to finish it.  I was laughing soo much and also needing a fan to cool myself off while reading.

Lauren & Scott are a great duo!  Especially sexually.  Their chemistry heated the pages.  Once they started, it was a never ending fun fest for both of them.

But....of course what happens when things start to get a bit complicated?  Scott has issues that he can't seem to incorporate into his feelings for Lauren.

You will have to read to find out what happens and if Scott let's it go or not.

We also get introduced to some other characters that will be in this series which I am looking forward to read about.

Elizabeth Haley are a great duo of ladies who I have had the pleasure of meeting.  They are hilarious in person as they are in their books!  Make sure to meet up with them at upcoming events!

Pick up this read to get your summer started out right with a bang!

**ARC kindly provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

5 Cherries Popped


elliefufu's review against another edition

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The Best Medicine, Strictly Business #1, by Elizabeth Hayley
Grade: C-

I loved the concept of this book but right off I found the heroine Lauren's antics to be very annoying. The whole event that takes place in the first chapter is ridiculous and just rubbed me the wrong way. Lauren messes up pretty bad and neither she nor her parents seem to think her drunk actions were bad. Yes it wasn't entirely her fault and came down to some very bad luck but she still caused a lot of damage and incited a riot in a bar where someone could have been hurt. Trying to make all of this funny just ended up putting a bad taste in my mouth.

As we continued on to Lauren meeting and working for Dr. Scott Jacobs things start to get better but not much. I really disliked how Lauren reacts to Scott. She came off as rude and arrogant instead of cute and flirty. I liked Scott but I wanted to know more about his family and I wanted some type of closure with his mother and their issues. I felt that this was thrown in for filler and was forgotten about.

I am sadly disappointed with this book but would be open to reading more about Lauren's friends. They all seemed very fun and had a lot of personality. I really liked the friend dynamic of the four girls and hope to see more of them in a future book. I would most likely pass on buying this book but that's only because it didn't work for me personally.

melshappylife's review against another edition

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This book has it all! Witty banter, a strong heroine, a hot doctor with commitment issues and some hot as hell sex! Lo and Scott’s story has it all.

chroniclesofabookreader's review against another edition

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A sweet and sexy new contemporary romance that has a sassy, snarky main character who defies the normal heroine-type, and a cocky, but sweet hero who has all the pieces to make you like him.

“He stopped beside her, leaning in slightly, but not enough to draw attention. ‘You do that again, and I’ll have you bent over in front of me. And I don’t care whether your friends are watching or not.'”

Lauren isn’t one to back down from a fight, and so she’s been in a few of them. Her most recent one requires she get a job to pay off the damages she owes…which means she needs something fast. When her mom asks her boss to get her a job, she isn’t expecting the doctor to be so sexy, but also entirely too cocky for his own good. She can read him pretty well so she uses that to her advantage. Using what she knows of psychology as she’s currently in school for a Masters, she sets out to challenge him. This challenge opens up a Pandora’s box of sexual tension between them that can’t be contained. Lauren was a very enjoyable heroine. She was kicka$$ in her ability to say what’s on her mind, and not back down, but to also let others in, too. She was able to be both strong and weak (in the best sense of the word) at the same time. I liked her brass balls and that she had a smart mind.

“‘I meant what I said, Lo.’
‘About what?’ Her voice was low, husky.
‘I don’t do relationships. At least not in the traditional sense. I’m not going to lie: I want you. So if you decide to walk down this road with me, you need to know that there’s no happily ever after at the end of it. No love or prolonged commitments. It’ll be raw and consuming, but eventually it’ll be over. Can you handle that?'”

Scott (or Doctor Scott, I should say) has reasons for only wanting women in the sexual sense. He’s strong in what he wants and how he’s going to get it, and the immediate fire he gets from Lauren on their first meeting completely excites him. He has found an equal adversary to play his game and it turns him on. For being a young doctor, at 29 years of age, and for his reasons for not wanting emotional closeness, he was still reachable. He wasn’t broody or closed off–he was still playful and fun. I enjoyed his need for her and his ability to take as good as he gave.

“‘If you weren’t so f*@king beautiful, I’d throw you against this wall and take you from behind. But I need to see you,’ he groaned, ‘because nothing is sexier than seeing your face when I’m inside you.'”

A boss/employee love story that was so much more. Instantly there was a spark between them that made you see them as equals. You felt they were connected on one level without even knowing it, and it brought a passion that was unexstinguishable. It was witty and cute, and considering that I found out at the end that this is two writers, not one, I was amazed at how it felt like one voice. I never once felt like there was unnecessary drama or angst, it was all a passionate, smooth ride with some fun and bumps along the way. A well-written first in a new series.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 Umm...I really wanted to like this one. It sounded so cute in the blurb, but in the end, it just didn't cut it for me.

Lauren Hastings has made some major mistakes in her life. All of these have lead her life off of the course she had planned for it. She's watching all of her friends thriving in their careers and she just wants to have that life as well. When events get out of hand at a local bar, Lauren is left cleaning up the pieces. And aside from trying to finish grad school, she now has to get a part time job. With help from her mother, Lauren ends up working for Dr. Scott Jacobs basically a hot version of Doogie Howser.

There's instant attraction between the two, that's obvious to see. Their first thoughts about each other were literally how to get the other into bed. And it just escalates from there. The two, tired of fighting their attraction to each other, enter into a 'no-strings' arrangement.

I'm betting you can see where this is going. And therein lies one of my problems with it. It's a plot I've read over and over with nothing new brought to it. I could have looked beyond that, and have in other books, if the characters were well-rounded. But halfway through through the book, I realized that I just didn't care. I knew how the book would end, but I didn't care how they ended up there. I skimmed the last half, which mostly consisted of sex. They just weren't likeable and I felt had no chemistry outside of their sexual relationship. Lauren was childish. Scott was a dick. That's pretty much all I got out of this.

This series is supposed to follow Lauren and her friends. I am interested in reading the next one because I seemed to like the side characters a lot better than the main. And I really want to know if it's the writing I didn't like, or the characters.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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This book was expected from this dynamic writing duo. It had strong characters, amazing wit, banter, and humor.
Oh, and of course, the sex and almost sex scenes made me want to take my kindle into the bathroom for some bath tub reading.

Dr. Scott was very alpha, with a twist of anxiousness. He had a vulnerability that made him more real to me. He wasn't Mr. Perfect in control and I expected him to whip out his red room of pain but was pleasantly surprised to see the authors take him in another direction.

Lauren was what I love in a heroine of a story. She doesn't take shit from anyone and can banter with the best of them. She's strong, even with all the shit that happened in her life, she rose above it and became the person she is today.

I lourved the secondary characters almost as much as the main ones. They brought more to the table than just being there. They gave the book more substance than it just being about Scott and Lauren. But they also didn't deter from the main characters where they shined more than the main ones.

I laughed at a lot and the anticipation leading up to the first fuck scene had my poor little waffle turning blue. I was screaming at the characters to just fuck already but of course they didn't listen to me. But the anticipation was fun because the real thing was worth the wait...

The book was a little predictable but the ending was different in how it unfolded and the very end was hilarious and came full circle, which made it epically cheesey, in a good way. My black heart smiled a little...

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was pretty fast paced and even when it lagged a little I was still invested and wanting to read more.

I give this a 4 "My poor Blue waffle" Stars...

saekoshiro's review against another edition

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DNF. Too fast paced without a lot of look into the characters' personalities. Just not pulling me in.

cocktailsandbooks1's review against another edition

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Rina's Thoughts

This was an easy read with enjoyable characters. Lo is open and inviting and Scott is closed off because his mother has shown her how much he shouldn't trust women. An easy companionable sexual relationship becomes more than they bargained for and Scott runs off, refusing to become his father. I love that Lo doesn't beg and let him go to her once he'd decided not to let his mother's transgrations scar him anymore.

I'm looking forward to Tim's story
This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

bookbae96's review against another edition

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When a girl's night out gets a little bit out of hand, Lauren Hastings finds herself assigned to work out her community service in the office of Dr. Scott Jacobs. Dr. Scott has a great bedside manner, but not so much with Lauren, causing sparks to fly fast and furiously. As they get to know each other better, and lines are crossed, who wins, when one player changes the rules of the game?

Lauren is a take-no-prisoners kind of girl, but her bravado is a cover for the pain that still simmers just below the surface. Having suffered a very deep loss, she holds herself apart from any relationship that seems to be turning into more than a casual thing. Scott, too, has a less-than-perfect past that makes him unwilling to get too involved with anyone, so the idea of a no-strings agreement is just what he's after. We all know what happens with this sort of set-up, though, and it isn't long before someone's bound to get hurt.

This book started out very strong for me. Lauren and her friends all have great personalities, wicked senses of humor, and are more than able to hold their own. Away from the office, and from Lauren, Scott is much more apt to be open and engaged with his friends. It's obvious fairly early on that Scott's cocky and somewhat abrasive personality is just his way of dealing with his inner insecurities, but it made it hard for me to like him at all through a good part of the book. Despite my having a hard time connecting with the main male character, though, I kept reading, because if a book can make me laugh in the first few pages, I'm going to keep reading, and this read hit that mark. I was happy with the way that the authors tied things up, even though getting to that point left me frustrated and wondering what in the ever-loving world Lauren could possibly see in Scott. So, with all of this being said, I give The Best Medicine 3.5-4 stars. And, because I liked Lauren and all of her friends, I will read the next book in the series, because, if anyone can give the guys a run for their money, the ladies in these books can.

bookbriefs's review against another edition

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

The Best Medicine is the first book in a new series by Elizabeth Hayley. I really enjoyed The Best Medicine and I am even more excited for the next book, which is the main character's best friend, Quinn's story. The Best Medicine is a supremely sexy read with a surprising amount of character depth. I think there was a wonderful balance of character backstory and in the moment fun romance between Lauren and Scott.

Lauren, the main character and I had a rocky initial meeting with one another. The book opens with this whirlwind scene where I honestly did not know what to think. There was a lot going on and I didn't know if Lauren was spontaneous to the point of flippant immaturity or if she just had the worst luck imaginable. Either way, I was wary. But after the first chapter, the whole tone of the book changed. I am not joking- Lauren seemed like a different person from there on out. We saw glimpses of her slightly eccentric and crazy side, and she was plucky as all get out, but she didn't seem nearly as undone to me as she did in the first chapter. I really started to like Lauren and by only 5 or so chapters in, I was singing a different tune. She is a real spitfire. I love that she can dish it right back if she doesn't like something you have to say, and I loved loved loved how observant she was.

I don't blame Scott for being unnerved by her. She really did seem to have him pegged from the moment she met him. I found it hilarious to watch him squirm. Lauren had this uncanny ability to grab the upper hand with a single sentence. I could not get enough of their dynamic. It made me smile. As the story goes on, the chemistry builds into something extremely sexy. But not only that, we really get to know Lauren and Scott. Deep down to the core of what them, them. It was the perfect complement for all their sexy times.

Bottom line: If you like contemporary romances that can not only dish the banter back and forth at lightning speed, but also have really great, complex characters, and of course a fantastic romance, The Best Medicine is the book for you.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs