
Dirty Rich - Verbotenes Verlangen by Lisa Renee Jones

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received for an honest review

I have not read the first Dirty Rich story (Dirty Rich One Night Stand) however this has not affected my understanding or enjoyment of Dirty Rich Cinderella Story at all.

Cole and Lori's story is a modern day Cinderella, strangers passing in the night only to find each other again.

I love Lori's strength, even if at times she takes the "strong, independent woman who needs nobody's help" to extremes and I got frustrated with her. I could understand why she is how she is, however I just want her to take the helping hand being offered - no strings attached.

Cole is just all kinds of swoonworthy. From the first time our lover's worlds collide I knew he was going to be become a favourite LRJ character.

Ms Jones has written some amazing series with 2 or 3 or more stories in them, however I am really liking her stand alones.

Strong characters, enjoyable story line, I read this book in one sitting. I can't wait to see where she takes us next.

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paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received for an honest review

Welcome back to Lisa's world of corporate high flyers, dirty deals and even dirtier men!

I had to go back and read what Cole and Lori's first book was about, as I have terrible bookzheimer's and forgot what the deal was with them - but after a quick read through of my review I remembered!

I was expecting more of a honeymoon novella for this one, and whilst we did get that, this story was much more.

It was more drama and suspense and bad guys than I was expecting. That's not a bad thing at all, just took me by surprise a little.

I did find myself struggling a bit to get involved in this story, and I am not sure what is going on there as I always fall into a LRJ story. I also felt that this story was very slow, and too much naked time (say what?!?) - however this could just be me.

I did love getting more of Lori and Cole's story, and am looking forward to the second books for the other peeps in this series.

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thesassybookworm's review against another edition

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description~WRITING - PLOT - PACE~
Honestly, I have been in a bit of a "blah" mood with books lately. Maybe not blah, but I seem to be extra picky lately and I am finding that the littlest of things have been annoying me. So I wasn't all that gung-ho to read this one. Especially not with the whole "ONS...heroine runs...they meet up again months later" setup. That usually means one or both end up having sex with other people in the interim. But...SURPRISE...I ended up enjoying this one quite a lot.

It was well written. The pace was OK. One of my issues was that I found the beginning a little slow. It felt like the whole ONS thing (and the aftermath) was dragged out a bit too long when all I wanted was to get to the reunited part of the book. It literally takes 30% of the book to get to that point. I felt like the author could have condensed that 30% a bit and had these two back together sooner. That said, the plot was still engaging enough (especially after the 30% mark) that I never felt the need to skim. I wouldn't say this one had as much suspense as the previous book. There is some court case stuff, but this couple's "relationship" is more the focus. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK happy for now ending.

COLE...Cole I LOVED. He was really the star of this book. He was hot. He was alpha. He wasn't a manwhore. He was sweet. He was an excellent lawyer. He had the patience of a saint with Lori

LORI...Lori was the second issue I had with this one. I just didn't like her...AT ALL. I am starting to see a pattern when it comes to this author's books and heroines, mostly, I never love them. Again we have an annoying heroine that would rather cut her nose off to spite her face instead of accepting help. She was judgy towards Cole because he had money. I mean the whole not wanting him to see her apartment was so juvenile. She was quick to jump to conclusions about OW. I really don't have anything positive to say about her. She had a shitty attitude that continued for 90% of the book.


This one had a few excellent secondary characters. Cat and Reese are in it a bit. Some of the Walker brothers, and a few new faces. All of them added some good extra depth to the story.

Lowish. surprisingly, I didn't find this one all that spicy. There were (maybe) three or four sex scenes that were suitably hot. Not much in the way of kink, which surprised me after the spanking during the ONS. 

Medium. Most of the angst came from the heroine and her annoying attitude and need to push the hero away. Neither were virgins. Neither slept with other people during their separation. There wasn't really any OW or OM drama per se. There was a little scene with her ex and the heroine sees a woman approach the hero at a bar and sit down next to him. Of course, she thinks the worst (roll eyes). Same for later in the book when she AGAIN jumps to conclusions. Lord this heroine annoyed me (lol).

I enjoyed it for the most part. I really do enjoy this author's writing and her heroes. Her heroines...not so much. Hence why this is rated 4-Stars and not higher. I also thought the beginning was stretched out a bit too much. Both main characters spend a lot of time apart during it and I just felt like the author could have tightened up the plot a bit. That said, a lot of people will love this one (as they should). It will be "safe" for the uber picky peeps (to which I seem to be lately). Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two thumbs up.description 



nikkil521's review against another edition

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I seriously don’t know how Lisa does it..
Col is seriously one steaming hot man!
This is one hot Cinderella story!!

bobosbookbank's review against another edition

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DIRTY RICH CINDERELLA STORY is book two in the Dirty Rich series. Several characters from the Walker Security series make an appearance but there's no problem jumping right into the story.

Lori Havens is almost done with her law degree at Stanford. Circumstances had her temporarily leaving school and in the meantime, she's struggling with several jobs to pay the bills for her and her mom. One of those jobs is working as a researcher for Cat Summers, who we met in book 1. Lori quite literally runs into a handsome stranger and has a fantastic one night stand. But when she takes an intern job with Cat's husband, Reese, she finds herself face to face with her Prince Charming and her new boss, Cole Brooks.

I'll begin by saying that although there's several references and parallels to the fairytale, Cinderella, it's really more of a modern interpretation very loosely based on it. So if fairytales aren't your thing, no worries, you won't find evil stepmothers in this one!

BUT, there is one hell of a sexy Prince Charming in Cole Brooks. He was really the star for me because he was so accepting and adoring with Lori. He was smart, successful. Even more, Cole was dominating without being overbearing, passionate without being oppressive. And frankly, he put up with a lot of Lori's crap! Don't get me wrong, I liked Lori. I could totally understand her reasons for constantly pushing Cole away but at the same time I wanted to bop her over the head for being so damn stubborn, LOL! She was a strong woman with solid values but Cole stole my heart and I was so antsy for him to get his HEA.

Once again, L.R. Jones has given us a wonderfully witty story with sexy, savvy characters. Told from dual POVs with a happy ending. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.

caffeinatedfae's review against another edition

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review. When I first heard about this book, I knew I was going to love it. Something about Lisa Renee Jones' writing speaks to me. Unfortunately, this didn't really live up to the hype in my head.

I have always loved Lisa Renee Jones as an author but this book just fell flat for me. The characters seemed a little too perfectly imperfect. I know that sounds contradictory but it was like every flaw was created with the other character in mind. There seemed to be no growth in either character which is a shame.

The one shining star in this book is the plot, I loved the twists and turns and I enjoyed reading it. It was interesting and it kept me wanting to read the rest of the book.

Unfortunately, this book just wasn't for me. I'm rating it 3 stars because the plot was interesting and kept me entertained.

alice_thompson's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

It was enjoyable. I liked it, I just couldn't root for it as much as I wanted.
Cole wasn't respectful of boundaries enough, and it was a bit of an insta-love.

Although my reservations, I can recommend it, but I must warn not to idolise this relationship fully.

franjessca's review against another edition

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Full Review posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

The last few months have been crazy and I was supposed to read and review this book sooner. Unfortunately, life got in the way due to traveling out of state for a conference and then being promoted to another position and department at my day job. It’s been super busy, but I finally made time to finish reading Dirty Rich Cinderella by Lisa Renee Jones.

I give this book ‘4’ stars and recommend it to readers who enjoy contemporary romance and happily ever after.

lauraanne9's review against another edition

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Full Review to Follow

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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I want to make sure you understand that I'm a huge fan of LRJ. HUGE!! She's written and created some of my most favorite of all book boyfriends. They're alpha and sophisticated and charming and intelligent and sexy and despite many of them not being immediately open to love, the way they fall is always a thing of beauty. Cole Brooks, the male protagonist in Dirty Rich Cinderella Story was absolutely no exception. I loved how he felt an immediate connection to Lori and didn't really fight it. I loved how protective he was of her and how much he wanted to take care of her. So. Freaking. Sweet.

But Cole is where my love affair with this story ends.

I didn't like Lori. Actually, my unfiltered opinion of her was worse than not liking her. I don't hate anyone, but I came pretty close when it came to her. She was an entitled broke chick, with a condescending and judgmental attitude, and didn't know when to count her blessings.

✦ she freaked because the man wanted more
✦ she freaked because the man wanted to wipe out her debt
✦ she freaked because he was worried about her safety and wanted to provide her with a safe environment
✦ she freaked because he wanted to spoil her
✦ she freaked because he paid her mother's exorbitant medical bills
✦ she freaked because the man saw her struggling and wanted to ease her load
✦ she freaked because the man was so freaking awesome
✦ she freaked because she didn't deserve all of these gifts!!

Lori had me skimming pages. Lori had me losing interest. Lori made this my least favorite LRJ book of all time. This breaks my heart :(

The writing was superb. The plot was more than engaging. And Cole was the epitome of what is a good man. I wish he didn't have to run after her so hard. I wish he didn't have to constantly defend his actions when they were so very kind. I wish his happiness wasn't so hard to get.

Release: 05.23.2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dual POV - 1st person
Heat: 3.5
Standalone - Dirty Rich #2 with character crossover

A copy of this book was provided for an honest review

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