
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

lorilaws's review against another edition

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What fantastic, fantastic, FREAKIN' fantastic series! I am completely 100% serious when I say that Shade and Shift are two of the best YA books out there right now. My love for this trilogy is knows no bounds and I absolutely think you should read them RIGHT NOW! (Ya know, if you haven't....)

Shift starts off a few months after Shade ended, and in the name of not spoiling anything, I'm not going to say too much about the story. Just trust me you will not be disappointed with one second of it. It's action packed and full of really well done characters. I'm still so in love with the concept of this world. It's unlike anything else in the YA genre. It's almost Sci-Fi. The thought and back story Jeri Smith-Ready has put into the world really makes it come alive. It sucks you right in and if you are like me, the real world just falls away.

Aura and the rest of the characters are in a very different place in Shift. They have all been so hurt. They all really understand the danger they are in this time around. But Aura still doesn't understand her feeling for the boys in her life yet. Sometimes I get really annoyed by love triangles, but if they are well done then I love them! This one is very well done. I loooove both of the boys, but I think I love Zachary more, no I definitely love Zach more! He's Scottish, HELLO! I really love that these books are...umm...HOT too! There's a lot of sexy scenes that you would not expect to find in a YA, but I'm not complaining!

Aura is very lonely in this book. She does some things and makes some choices that I have saw people complain about, but she's having such a hard time I think her actions are very believable. Her mistakes and thinking without acting made me like her even more! She was so well developed.

I'm going to quit gushing now! Just remember that this is a awesome, forgettheworld kind of book. If you haven't started this book or Shade yet, change that. Fast!

alysses's review against another edition

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One word...


Merged review:

Audio Book

Logan has Shaded, Aura is exploring her feelings for Zachary and Logan while itching to find out more about her conception/origins, Zachary is Zachary... The adults all have secrets to tell and the Department of Metaphysical Purity is getting nastier and scarier.

I had such high hopes after reading the first book Shade. The tone was the same and although I still liked the overall story it went downhill kind of quickly for me. This book focused way too much on Aura's numerous amorous relationships. It also focused a bit too much on her flaring hormones. For such a smart girl all she had her brain on was sex and that to me was a turn off. I think I disliked Zachary most in this book. As sweet as he can be and as considerate as he can be he can equally be a jackass. I did not appreciate his back and forth. Aura lets be together, two minutes later, Aura we maybe need to create some space between us... There was more of this and it just ticked me off and frustrated me beyond belief. Zachary totally made a bonehead move and Aura actually let it slide because she thought he was so hot. I mean seriously?? I sometimes wish some of these ladies were written to be a lot stronger and less tolerant than they are. I get this is fiction but there are a lot of girls reading these books and hopefully they have enough sense to know that kind of behavior/reaction is ridiculous.

I think what saved this for me is that we finally get some answers to some of the mystery created in Shade. We learn what happened at Newgrange the months prior to Aura and Zachary being conceived, more about Aura's mom and dad and finally we understand a bit more about the connection Aura and Zachary share.

I still recommend the series as it is a unique story and I'm hoping Shine, the third installment, will wrap things up nicely and be a lot more balanced than this book.

bookishwonderlandco's review against another edition

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This book was so much better than the first! I read this book as fast as I could! Zachary really got on my nerves and really made me hate him in this book though. He made up for it, of course. I was happy to see Logan really growing up in this book and him and Zachary getting along! I was happy to see Mickey getting out of his depression too. The mystery with the Shift and her mother and her father really kept me guessing, and the way it turned out I could have never guessed! All the characters really seemed to grow and change in this book, I'm glad this isn't the end, but if it was it would be a really good end for a really good series!

boudpomme's review against another edition

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I absolutly loved this book! It was even better than Shade!

I know some people liked Shade more because it was more emotional, but in Shift everything made sense. We finaly discover the truth about the Shift, Aura's birth and the identity of her father. Even though we don't see a lot of Logan there's plenty of Zach! There was a lot of drama between the two of them,* I want you but we can't because it 's wrong* kind of drama.

I actually missed Logan, he wasn't my favorite character in Shade but with some recent events I expected to see more of him, but the book took a different turn. All the characters were well developped especially Dylan who was for me a special favorite. There was more action, a lot of revelations, and some romance. And Aura finally made her choice between Logan and Zach.

This book could have been the end of the series but I'm glad there's a sequel and I'm looking forward to read it!

breezy610's review against another edition

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Aura really grew up in this second book and I am glad she choose to live instead of dying with Logan.

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the first book, but this one was even better!! I loved how easy it was to pick up where I had left off and I finished it in two days because I couldn't put it down, the pages flew through my hands.

The swoon and mystery from the first book were ramped up a notch in this second book. This was definitely not a filler like what can happen to so many other second books of a trilogy. I love how we've been given more information about the 'shift' and Aura's family, but there's still a few things to be revealed which keep you hanging out for the last book.

Oh and speaking of Swoon! Zachary was gorgeous, and imagining him in his Kilt at the Prom had my heart beating fast, along with all the other tender moments between him and Aura.

Now I'm looking forward to seeing how the series is ended in the last book.

iyaa's review against another edition

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Would’ve been 5 stars if it the whole Dylan thing wasn’t included. Is a dead boy and a hot Scottish breathing one not enough?

Logan’s brother? Seriously? Meh. He’s a ten year old to me.

halynah's review against another edition

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I liked this book even more than the first one and I was ready to give it five stars, but Zach irritated me so much in this installment, that I took away one star. It was said in the blurb, that Zack ''will fight to be the one at Aura's side'', so where was that ''fighting'' -in the whole situation with Becca???!!! And was his lame explanation ''I was weak'' enough to be forgiven (Aura has no pride - she couldn't even tell him off properly)? He told he was surprised that Becca had an overnight bag and nobody exited the limo but them - really????????? Was he dumb, didn't he know what kind of person Becca was? He could ''uninvite'' Aura, but he couldn't do the same with Becca??? Is it love????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked Logan more, at least he was not a lustful dog and I loved Dylan!!!
As for the pacing of events - it was good, interesting and exciting. I'm looking forward to the next book and definitely recommend the series for reading!

willow_axolotl376's review against another edition

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Things began to get a little clearer in this book for me but the one thing I need to say right now is Aura for goodness sake get laid! please! Poor soul has nearly done it a bunch of times with three different guys but still not!

Anyway...will Logan pass on or not? Can Aura keep him from turning shade? What does she do about her budding romance between her and Zackery? Its all a bit complicated for the poor lass, oh and the DMP is after her and Zac, these two just cant catch a break! OH and Aura's dead mother finally reveals the big secret about her father!!!

I enjoyed Shit more than I did Shade, I thought the pace was a little faster and more seemed to happed, although it isn't my favourite series I will still read Shine and hopefully it will tie up all loose ends for me. I would definitely think this series is aimed at younger teenagers(I am 21) maybe not but that's just my opinion.

All in all a good second book.

klaragon73's review

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Shift is, simply put…WOW. The second book in the Shade Series did not disappoint one single bit. It was again filled with heart-ache, mystery, and romance. If it’s possible, I think the writing in Shift was even more powerful than Shade. Again written in first person from Aura’s point-of-view, you get to experience the world as she sees it. She has some very unique conquests and ventures in Shift.

I’m not going to do a character breakdown because we don’t really meet anybody new. However, everything changes in Shift. Nothing remains remotely the same. Shift begins three months after we left Logan as a shade in Shade. Dylan, Aura, nor Megan has seen him since that terrible day at the Green Derby where everything went wrong…and I do mean everything. Since that night, Aura had learned a bit more about her powers and she is hoping there may be a way to save Logan from an eternity in hell.

Zach continues to help Aura with their theses project; but, things are getting much more dangerous for the two of them. It seems that there is much more to Newgrange than anyone knew. Well, except for Eowyn Harris…who has been keeping some pretty big secrets herself. Every time Zach and Aura start getting close, someone or something ruins the moment. Talk about a relationship filled with baggage. Ugh.

The one thing I have to say about the characters is this…Aura makes a surprising decision involving prom and when things get a little out of hand, her friends recognize that the choices she makes are hers and they don’t interfere. I can tell you this much…it was nothing self-deprecating or harmful. Just a little fun that she really did need.

Shift is filled with more action that Shade was. I enjoyed this aspect of the book immensely. I spent a lot of time trembling with nerves and fear. I spent some time laughing. And, then I spent even more time crying.

Since I can’t give the ending away…here are a couple of my favorite scenes from the prom scene…

The short tuxedo jacket covered none of his kilt, whose background color picked up the dark forest green of his vest and eyes – or at least the color of his eyes as I remembered them. Not that I ever thought about that. – Page 176

And then, I couldn’t help kissing him. (He) jolted in surprise, but didn’t pull away. He kissed me back, his lips new and foreign – in a good way, like an exotic food I never knew I wanted to taste. – Page 205

“What the fuck do you want?” After a pause, he said in a firm voice, “This is …., the guy who would’ve killed to trade places with you until five minutes ago.” He met my eyes. “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Now why don’t you go back to screwing you prom date and let me do the same?” – Page 205

If you have not read Shade and Shift…go read them now. You will not be disappointed.