
Blown Away by Brenda Rothert

lmrivas54's review

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I’m a fan of Brenda Rothert’s hockey romance series, so I jumped at the chance to review this book. I have to say, it feels different, having a male character who isn’t a professional athlete. Even so, both characters are strong individuals, there’s a lot of action chasing twisters, and it reminded me of the movie “Twister”. It was a little thrilling to read about their close encounters with this deadly phenomenon.

I liked Drew a lot. She’s a spunky woman who helped raise her siblings after her father died. Her mother checked out, so she had to work like crazy while attending school, to pay the bills and keep a roof over their heads. Now that her younger brother and sister are in college, she’s about to marry the love of her life, Colby. Finally, she feels like she can relax and enjoy having a partner who can share her load.

When tragedy strikes, she mourns, cries, rallies against fate, but being the strong survivor she is, she overcame her loss and once again, one year later, she’s scrappy and strong and living the best life she can. She moved out of the house she shared with her mother, who was excess baggage, her siblings are living their lives, and she’s doing ok.

Enter Murphy, her deceased fiancee’s former boss, who studies tornadoes. He has a group of assistants who follow the path of where the twisters hit in order to study them and help in the prediction of storms. Colby used to work with this group, and Murphy invited Drew to join them for their summer camp. Since Drew had been feeling a little restless with her life, she decided to go along, to learn about this work that Colby loved and enjoyed so much.

Aiden was Colby’s best friend. He’s a loner, socially inept, and expert in emergency extractions. Due to a tragic loss in his childhood, he keeps a personal wall around his heart, and doesn’t do intimacy. He’s a fan of the one night stand mode of life. However, he had always had a crush on Drew, but was resigned to living in the periphery of her life. Once she joined their crew, he had a hard time keeping a balance between being a friend and keeping her at the necessary distance.

I liked the story in the sense that it allowed two friends who lost a common loved one to mourn and process that loss together. It also gave Aiden, a broken and lost man, the love he was so lacking of. Even if he thought he didn’t deserve Drew! It was a rocky road, both had many insecurities, and there was the phantom of Colby’s death between them.

This was an enjoyable read, but nowhere as entertaining as the hockey series. I liked the angst and loved all the characters. I just didn’t like all the imploring that Drew had to make to get Aiden to act. I don’t think a woman has to beg so much for a man to be with her.

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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I was blubbering away in the first chapter. Even the blurb warning her fiancee dies wasn't enough to curb my devastation for Drew.

Drew loses her fiancee shortly before the wedding. But in reality, she lost more. she lost her hopes and dreams for the future. She lost her escape from the present. She lost the only man she loved.

Picking herself back up was hard. Moving on, well, that's another story. Or it would have been if Aiden hadn't been so hot.

Trying to move on, but she gets resistance from Aiden. Time to bring out the big guns.

It's a sweet story about getting over grief and learning to love again. Storm chasing edge just gives them plenty of motivation.

reviewed for Reviews from the Heart

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Blown Away is the first book that I have ever read from Brenda Rothert, but I really enjoyed it. As soon as I read the blurb for this one, I knew I had to read it! I live in the mid-west, so tornadoes are something I have been dealing with my entire life. I have never read a book featuring storm chasers before, so that was something that absolutely fascinated me. I am so glad that I took a chance on a new to me author, and this definitely won't be the last I read from Brenda Rothert.

Just as Drew McGovern is getting ready to get married, her fiance Colby is killed in an accident. She goes a year just getting by, but she realizes that she needs to change something to feel alive again. So when she gets the chance to join Colby's storm chasing team, she thinks that it is exactly what she needs. What she never expects though is to start falling for Colby's best friend Aiden O'Neal who is also on the team. Aiden has always secretly been jealous of Colby and Drew's relationship, though he never let either of them know how he really felt about Drew. So while he knows that it is wrong to take a chance with her, he finds it hard to fight the connection growing between them.

I really liked Drew and Aiden together. Drew was strong and I loved that she took a chance and stepped outside her comfort zone when she knew that she wasn't fulfilled with what she had been doing. I really admired that about her, and it was great to see her just leave her life behind and pursue something that was both scary and exciting for her. While I did like Aiden and loved him with Drew, there were a few times here that I wasn't his biggest fan. He had a tendency to push Drew away and that usually involved him being a jerk to her. While I understood it to a point, I didn't like it. But these two had a great connection and chemistry that was undeniable, so I was really hoping that they would be able to get over all the obstacles standing in their way and be able to move forward together.

Besides the few issues I had with Aiden, there were a few things that happened in this story that I wasn't the biggest fan of. I don't want to spoil anything, so I won't go into detail. One happened towards the beginning of the story and affected how I thought of Aiden a bit. While things turned out okay and I got why it happened, I didn't like seeing it and didn't like that Drew had either. The other thing happened later in the story, and I felt like it was a bit "much ado about nothing". It was something that seemed to just be added into the story for some drama and conflict, and honestly it did nothing but annoy me and make me angry while at the same time cause problems for Drew and Aiden. I just didn't feel like there was any need to go there, and it seemed too convenient that it was resolved the way it was for all the trouble that it had brought up. I just wish that the author hadn't gone there at all. But otherwise, I really did enjoy this story and I found the storm chasing so unique and interesting. This was something different, and it had my attention from the very first page. I would recommend this one and I will read more from Brenda Rothert in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

yvireads's review against another edition

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5 stormy Stars

Blown away was my first Brenda Rothert book, but definitely not the last.
It's hard to pull a story together, when the fiancé of hero/heroine dies. My thoughts are always kinda like 'how does she manage the other party not to feel bad about just being the second choice and at the same time not to downsize the relationship with the late fiancé?'
Brenda Rothert did an excellent job, if you're asking me. The book had it all - love, loss and a lot of sexual tension. I kept waving my hands to my face to cool down a bit...

Drew lost her storm chasing fiancé a year ago, she was broken. But as broken as she was, she's also a strong woman who kept her strength and got back on her feet. Lately Drew feels like she's missing something. Every day is the same. There's no more excitement in her life. When she meets one of her late fiancés Storm chasing buddies, she gets an offer she just can't refuse.

Aiden had it bad for his best friends girl since he first laid eyes on her. She'd be his game changer if he'd only saw her first. Aiden had it rough his whole life, he doesn't look for love, he looks for women to fuck - never feelings, never serious. He loved a few people in his life and all of them left one way or another.
When the new storm chasing season rolls in, he doesn't know how it'll go without his best friend by his side, but he'll soon discover an all new problem on his passenger seat.

Something else I immensely loved about the story was, that I haven't read a book about storm chaser falling in love. That was a first for me.
It was really exciting for me to be a "part" of Drews and Aidens journey. The chemistry was off the charts and I was kept on my toes the whole time. I didn't want the book to end, it was that good.

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yvireads's review

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5 stormy Stars

Blown away was my first Brenda Rothert book, but definitely not the last.
It's hard to pull a story together, when the fiancé of hero/heroine dies. My thoughts are always kinda like 'how does she manage the other party not to feel bad about just being the second choice and at the same time not to downsize the relationship with the late fiancé?'
Brenda Rothert did an excellent job, if you're asking me. The book had it all - love, loss and a lot of sexual tension. I kept waving my hands to my face to cool down a bit...

Drew lost her storm chasing fiancé a year ago, she was broken. But as broken as she was, she's also a strong woman who kept her strength and got back on her feet. Lately Drew feels like she's missing something. Every day is the same. There's no more excitement in her life. When she meets one of her late fiancés Storm chasing buddies, she gets an offer she just can't refuse.

Aiden had it bad for his best friends girl since he first laid eyes on her. She'd be his game changer if he'd only saw her first. Aiden had it rough his whole life, he doesn't look for love, he looks for women to fuck - never feelings, never serious. He loved a few people in his life and all of them left one way or another.
When the new storm chasing season rolls in, he doesn't know how it'll go without his best friend by his side, but he'll soon discover an all new problem on his passenger seat.

Something else I immensely loved about the story was, that I haven't read a book about storm chaser falling in love. That was a first for me.
It was really exciting for me to be a "part" of Drews and Aidens journey. The chemistry was off the charts and I was kept on my toes the whole time. I didn't want the book to end, it was that good.

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theeditorreads's review

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Drew McGovern works at a salon and is anxiously waiting for a word from her fiancé Colby Harrington who's out chasing storms. They're to marry in six weeks when she and her younger siblings would finally be free of their mother who could care less about them.

Aiden O’Neal and Colby were the best of friends, working together before an unfortunate accident took his life. It's been a year since he died and with Drew joining their team of storm chasers, he doesn't know how to keep his feelings for her hidden anymore.

Narrated in the first person from a dual perspective, this one starts on a grieving note. The real story starts one year later though when Drew decides to join Colby's storm chasing team. And that is when she starts noticing Aiden and her attraction to him.

I am not usually enamoured by stories which have the ghost of the dead fianceé hanging over the romantic couple. Such stories have to be written with great care and I think [a:Brenda Rothert|7010859|Brenda Rothert|] did just that. This was a second chance story in a way, for Drew. And for Aiden too, which led him to hope that he too deserved a good life.

This is my first read of the author's, a re-release. The story felt like home. I didn't know a thing about storm chasing and it was a wonderful reading experience, an adventure as well as a romance. And did I not mention hot? Well, it was. Quite erotic in parts, but a beautiful romance nonetheless.

The storm chasing team led by Murph had Millie, Tex, Aiden, Colby and one year later, Drew in place of Colby. I loved Tex's loud mouth and Millie's charm and Murph's awkwardness. The story rounded off nicely and the epilogue ten years down the lane was great! So much warmth and love.

Thank you to InkSlinger PR for an e-ARC of the book.

Originally posted on:
Shaina's Musings

raciethereader's review

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3.5 stars for a solid romance with a side of storm chasing. Blown Away was steamy but also had lots of character development, as well as relationship development. My first read by this author but it will not be my last.

bkwrm127's review

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This steamy New Adult romance with a sexy, storm-chasing lead was a fun, easy read!

the_clavicule_of_ac's review

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2.5 ⭐️

beckymmoe's review

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Blown Away is a dead-partner's-best-friend / unrequited-love-for-your-best-friend's-girl story with a side of storm chasing.

Confession time: I am super glad I live in an area that very rarely gets tornadoes--the very idea of them scares the you-know-what out of me. And people who willingly go into them, for science or to help or for any other reason? Seem unfathomable. But Ms Rothert does a decent job here of at least making their motivations seem somewhat plausible with the characters of Aiden, Murph, Millie, and Tex. I'm not saying I'd sign up to join them in this lifetime, mind you...but I guess I can kind of see why they might do it. It's not terribly glorified here, which I appreciated.

The push-and-pull between Aiden and Drew made for a slowish burn romance--for the most part, I was okay with that, since they each had baggage galore and there is the whole she was engaged to his best friend/storm chasing teammate element here. But it did feel like the hot and cold, two tiny steps forward/seven giant steps backward bit went on just a *tad* bit too long, especially when it was all magically fixed when the possibility of one of them being in danger suddenly made the other realize they loved them after all. I mean, all that angst and drama just *poof!* going away made it all seem a bit...convenient? (And making Drew grapple with the possibility that her fiance might not have been 100% faithful in the middle of all of it felt 110% unnecessary--I was really disappointed that the story went there at all; my number one pet peeve in my first love is dead stories. Sigh...) Still, we got to an HEA in the end, and it was very sweet, so--all's well that ends well, I guess?

Between the storm chasing and the will-they-or-won't-they of Drew and Aiden's relationship, Blown Away is a book that will definitely keep the reader turning those pages to find out what will happen next. Though it may be a bit predictable at times, it's never boring!

(Dare I say, though--the redesigned cover leaves the old one "blown away"? ;) Excellent redesign choice!)

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.